Satire Lockdowns create economic boom in China The wise sage, Xi Jinping, follower of the wiser sage Confucius, has his ideas in a straight line, linked with cause and effect. A... by RN Prasher November 29, 2022
Uncategorized Blocking Democracy by jackets and black paint CNN November 27, 2022 – “Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy” Police using jackets to cover slogans painted... by RN Prasher November 27, 2022
Satire Satire China like America or America Like China? by RN Prasher November 8, 2022November 8, 2022
Wellness Dr. Gokul Bora on Mental Health of Children during lockdown Corona virus had a long lasting effect on children’s mind. Their mind has become dull in the period of lockdown— by staying at home... by Abheek January 3, 2021January 24, 2022