Uncategorized Srimad Bhagavad Gita: A Pathway to Inner Awakening Srimad Bhagavad Gita: A Pathway to Inner Awakening This article on Srimad Bhagavad Gita has been written by Pranjal Joshi. Pranjal Joshi is a... by pranjal April 25, 2024
Uncategorized Selected Verses From The Garga Samhita Sri Narada said: In the Smrti-Shastra the Great Sages, who have Vyasa as their leader, explain that The Supreme Lord descends on Earth (as... by Dharma Persona May 6, 2022May 6, 2022
Uncategorized Is Krishna Black or Blue? What is his real color? Is lord krishna black or blue? what is his actual color? In many images, pictures or TV shows related to Indian mythology, Lord Krishna... by Sanatan Dharmi March 8, 2022
Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Selected Verses From The Gopala Tapaniya Upanishad Om Namah! I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Krishna, whose form is eternal and full of knowledge and bliss, who is our rescuer... by Dharma Persona February 10, 2022
Uncategorized Gita Mahotsav-2020 – (17th Dec-25th Dec) – Celebrate ‘Srimad Bhagwat Gita’ Gita Mahotsav 2020, the celebration that has started on 17th Dec will culminate on 25th Dec 2020. This day the Sanatani Hindu all over... by Sanat Bhardwaj December 24, 2020February 5, 2022