Uncategorized Razakar Movie- Silent Genocide of Hyderabad In the vast tapestry of India’s history, Hyderabad’s story is unique. Nestled in the heart of the Deccan Plateau, Hyderabad was once a princely... by akawrites124 May 5, 2024
Uncategorized What is Taqiyya – Islamic form of deception? Taqiyya can be described as an act of lying to save oneself. A more detailed explanation is Taqiyya is the action of committing a... by Sakal Sach March 29, 2024
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized Secularism and Appeasement : Indian prospective Secularism is not a word of Indian dictionary. It had been coined by the West who mastered and practiced every ill and exploitative means... by Sanat Bhardwaj March 22, 2021January 21, 2022