uncategorized Is Izlam really a peaceful religion ? Islam has butchered five times the number of people killed by Communism making the devil Communism look like the old Santa Claus. Let’s... by Adarsh December 9, 2022
Satire Kafir Snakes WARNING – POLITICALLY INCORRECT POST I am seriously fed up of one Kapil Mishra. Who is he? Well he is the person who caused... by Rati Hegde October 19, 2020October 19, 2020
Politically Incorrect BUSTING THE MYTH OF SUFI SYNCRETISM: Singing and dancing as a cover for jihad THEOLOGICAL HISTORY The normal misconception about Sufism is that it is very much like the mystic way of the Indian Sadhu, and shows a... by Sanjay Dixit June 29, 2020November 15, 2020