Uncategorized This village in Ghaziabad never celebrates Rakshabandhan. Know why? Surana is a village in Muradnagar, located 30 km from Ghaziabad. People do not celebrate the festival of Rakshabandhan here since the 12th century.... by Adarsh August 9, 2022August 9, 2022
Uncategorized Why moral Preaching only to the Hindus of India? Why do organizations, governments, organizations, institutions, etc. only preach to the Hindus? by Ramesh November 5, 2020February 7, 2022
Culture Culture Time to revive dharmic family and its values for a strong Hindu society The Leftists know that by destroying the family -- the smallest of social institutions -- they can destroy a society, a nation and the very civilisation. Let us not allow them to succeed. by Teertha October 29, 2020February 5, 2022
Opinions Opinions PETA’s Public Meltdown on Twitter – total loss of credibility (Sonam Kapoor – PETA India’s 2018 Person of the Year, proudly wearing and carrying MURDERED animals as fur and handbags.) The tweets say it... by FirangiAffairs July 24, 2020July 25, 2020