During Last six years of Modi government’s rule, we have not seen terrorist attacks in India, and whenever few sparse attacks happened, there were surgical strike and air strike in response. These strong responses made India’s intent of ‘no tolerance to terrorism’ very clear to its coward neighbour who believes in the psychology of terror and nurture terrorism on its soil. During UPA’s era the situation was exactly opposite, between year 2006 to 2008 (UPA1) every other month we heard the news of bomb blast or terrorist attack in one or more cities of India. Scores of innocent citizens were killed in these ghastly attacks – the maximum response Congress govt could provide to Pakistan was submitting a dossier.

Dossier Policy of Congress
congress’s Cosiness with Pakistan

One pattern that emerged out clearly from the investigations was that almost every terrorist belonged to a particular community, be it arms seizure in Aurangabad (LeT) or Varansi Sankat Mochan (HUJAI-BD & JeM). The details of the accused made Congress leadership uncomfortable. They wanted to frame Hindu organisations in these terrorist attacks and for the same reason they coined this fake term called “Hindu Terror”. Though Sayeed Salim was the main accused in Ajmer Sharif Blast on 11/Oct/2007, they framed Swami Aseemanand (later on he wa acquitted by a special court in Jaipur of all charges in 2017). Hemant Karkare, who was heading ATS (Anti-Terror Squad), Maharashtra took over Malegaon and other cases nearly 2 years after the incidents. Working on the behest of his political masters, they came up with a strategic move to hide Islamic terror narrative by authoring Hindu terror narrative. Involvement of Ahl-E’Hadith was trashed though ground realities were stating otherwise. Names of the Hindu organisations started coming out and Sadhvi Pragya and Shivnarayan Kalsangra were named master minds. Unfortunately everyone lapped up the story as some kind of Gospel truth.

Swami Aseemanand's Acquittal
Acquittal of Swami Aseemanand
Sadhavi Pragya's Torture
Sadhavi Pragya’s Torture

A “dominant coalition” comprises of political elites, public servants, corporate houses, judiciary, NGOs & media forms “Public Opinion”. It then becomes basis for framing public policy. Congress nurtured this eco-system to project majority Hindu community as criminals. Public opinion were made with the help of eco-system and fake Hindu terror narrative was spread everywhere.

Fake Narrative of Hindu Terror
Fake Narrative of Hindu Terror

ATS which took 5 months to arrest suspects in 11/Jul/06 Mum blasts, took just 35 days to arrest a serving army office Lt Col Shrikant Prasad Purohit. Even the procedural formalities to transfer the case & taking clearances from the defence headquarters would take more than this. Attitude of the govt to colour every terror incidents as ‘saffron’ has helped real perpetrators & made our country a cannon fodder for those with evil design against it. Inhumane torture meted out to framed accused to make them accept Hindu terror narrative, none resulted into success though.

Col Purohit
Col Purohit

26/11/08 Mumbai Terror Attacks

Terror attacks keep happening every now and then throughout the country but Home Security Level Talks (HSLT) with Pak continued uninterrupted. The next meeting in line was scheduled for 25/11 but this time few unusual things happened – Anwar Ahmad, Addl Sec (Border Mgmt) was included in the delegation (very unprecedented move). Delgation’s stay was extended by a day. Though delegates were reluctant, Anwar who was the senior most overruled them. Entire delegation was taken to Murree where communication system / signals remain very weak. Entire top brass of the home ministry dealing with internal security was in Pakistan. They could have helped in ensuring lesser casualties & damages.

Ajmal Kasab
Ajmal Kasab

Was there a mole in the team? Was it done at the behest of political command? Why in the age of IT, all important people needed to be in Pakistan?

26/11 terrorist attack took places at many places:

  • CST Railway Station
  • Leopold Cafe
  • Taj Hotel
  • Oberoi Hotel
  • Nariman House

165 innocent people lost their lives and 304 got injured. Ten terrorists were involved – 9 got killed & one, Ajmal Kasab was captured alive (thanks to a brave show by sub inspector Tukaram Omble).

Late Sh. Tukaram Omble
Late Sh. Tukaram Omble

When the attack was happening, Central govt decided to call National Security Guards (NSG). Home minister Shivraj Patil wanted to accompany NSG. Though Mumbai had several experienced forces but no clearance came forth from the home minister to deploy them (several calls made to his residence all in vain). As a result specialized forces remained immobile & unused and terrorists continued with the carnage. NSG team reached Delhi airport at 1:30am but home minister was not ready. Lot of lives could have been saved but for the lackadaisical attitude of then home minister (unconcerned fellow). Addl Chief Sec (Home) Chitkala Zutshi was present at the Taj hotel when the attack began. She had intelligence inputs but still went there. More surprising was her escaping from the scene unscathed. Did she go there to inaugurate the attack or at some political master’s behest?

Shivraj Patil with MMS
Shivraj Patil with MMS

Chtikala's Miraculous Escape
Chtikala’s Miraculous Escape

Terrorists came via sea route and entered Colaba. From there they walked through fishermen’s colony and came to Badhwar Park. This would have not been possible without the local support and the backing at political or institutional level. Intelligence inputs on a possible attack from the coastal route were available but there were instruction from the top most political office to show restraints in the counter initiatives to avert such attacks. Wealth of information received from Ajmal Kasab. He identified Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi as the mastermind & meeting him in the LeT training camps near Muzaffarabad & Azizabad. 10 terrorists were chosen, trained, dispatched & guided by the LeT (responsible for the attacks). Joining all the dots one cannot rule out the possibility of members of govt of the day had partnered, harboured and covered up for the perpetrators?

Digvijay Singh's Lies
Digvijay Singh’s Lies

Only Congress can compromise country’s safety in such a dismal fashion. P Chidambaram took office as the new Home Minister on 1/12/2008. He had the tenacity to hype everything he does. History of NIA in 2009-10 during his term was all about introducing a new non-existent concept called “Hindu Terrorism”. In every case NIA overtook, the 1st set of evidences were replaced with the framed up charges supporting Hindu terror narrative. In debates on national media a false impression was created. NIA was a tool used by PC to propagate narrative of Hindu Terror, Saffron Terror, etc. Cases which had been assigned to NIA had their faces turned upside down.Officials in the internal security division could clearly see documents coming to them were slowly but surely changed from the preliminary findings. David Coleman Headley (born as Daood Sayed Gilani) was arrested at Chicago’s O’hare airport while trying to fly to Pak. US federal court sentenced him to 35 years of imprisonment for his role in Mumbai attacks. US govt assured full access to Headley to Indian authorities for questioning. But Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde (2012-14) pedalled a public lie that US govt has denied access to Headley. Headley gave detailed information about the participation of Pakistan’s ISI in carrying out 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

Sushil Kumar Shinde
Sushil Kumar Shinde
  • UPA regime was accused of excising vital portions of Headley’s testimony
  • There were support from Indian side for the narrative that Pak was not involved in 26/11

During UPA, CBI too was forced to accommodate political narrative. During Chidambaram’s time in 2009, H S Puri, India’s representative to UN requested for evidentiary information on Dawood n/w so that it can be banned by international authorities. Some political quarters in UPA were against providing any hard core evidence against Dawood to the UN. Hence, CBI was asked to desist from sharing information they had. It explains why anti-India forces hate Modiji so much – he is cutting the lifeline of terror in India & outside. UPA govt was more interested in bailing out those accused of terrorism than providing justice to victims.


Home minister Chidambaram has made a reference to the existence of saffron terror in a speech in Darul-ul-Islam at Deoband in Saharanpur, UP. Chidambaram fudged intercepts that were shared with Pakistan & amended MHA answer for parliament to say ‘all intercepts have been shared’ – such a big liar & terrorist sympathiser. Indian dossier given to Pak in 2011 named Wazhul Khan & one more as fugitives living in Pakistan. They were later on found lodged in Indian jails. In one stroke the credibility of all the dossiers painstakingly prepared by security agencies had been destroyed.

Pakistan went home laughing. This is Congress for India.


Note: Our heartiest thanks to Shri RVS Mani ji for providing such a detailed inside account of how internal security was compromised during UPA rule between 2004-14, in his book, titled “Hindi Terror”. He has suffered immensely for being an upright, honest officer.

RVS Mani's Book
RVS Mani’s Book

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