Jai Shri Ram Bhratr ?


We know, we Sanatani don’t celebrate IMD, but we want to take this opportunity to Thank you All for the Dharma Yuddh that you have started to Protect our Vedic Civilization.

We Know….you are compromising, Sacrificing , taking huge Risks, going to jail, even facing death head on … we know.

The initiatives you are taking, Uniting everyone, bringing back Vedic practices, bringing back misled brothers, Financially Supporting & Uplifting our poor Sanatana families, Moral support & Encouragements, Protecting Sanatani Women, Protecting Animals, caring for Environment…and many many more….All your Initiatives, Unity & Coordination makes us so proud of you.

Our Respect & Admiration for you all increases every second.

Just know, You are NOT ALONE. We are standing Shoulder to Shoulder with you, ready for any work, any hardships, any sacrifice – Even death.

Happy International Men’s Day.

– Bhagini
Jai Maa Bharati

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