UP Election: Not Muslims but Shias and Pasmandas Support BJP

I was just listening and watching various news analyses on UP elections recently. They were all counting the caste wise votes of Hindus but not the sects wise votes of Muslims and other religions. They count other religious votes as one unit, while Hindus divided into castes.
This major trend of Hindus divided and non-Hindus as one unit can be seen reported in any election time of India. You will be more surprised to know that even the so-called nationalist news portals fail to count and report the divided votes of non-Hindus.
Here is an example of Muslim Sects across India and the world who support BJP but they are always counted as Muslims and assumed Anti-BJP in India. These sects are counted as minorities in Sunni dominated Muslim world.
1. Shias
2. Ahmadis
3. Pasmandas
4. Mehndi
5. Bohras
6. Sufis
What could be the major reasons that all the news portals, analysts, and reporters of India fail to report the sects wise divided votes of non-Hindu religions such as Islam?
The left-leaning dividing Hindus and dividing India news portals, intentionally do that for their foreign loyalties and monetary gains.
The left-leaning news portals intentionally ignore the sects wise count of Muslim votes to present them always united while Hindus as always divided
The so-called nationalist news portals actually don’t know the fact that Shias, Ahmadis, Pasmandas, Mehadis, Boharas are the minority sects of Islam and they support BJP.
In fact the nationalist news portals don’t even know that there are sects, castes, and religious groups exist in other religions as well. Else there is no reason for them not to report the electoral analysis keeping the sects count of Islam and Christianity in pictorial and geographical graphs.
Dear dumbo news portals of India, whether you are left or right leaning, let me inform you that there are sects, castes, and religious groups in other religions as well. Hence when you count Hindu votes divided, present the divided non-Hindu votes as well in terms of sects, religious groups, and castes and who supporting which party.
Let me also inform you that you are still not able to overcome the colonial hangover where Hindus are told to be divided in castes but not Islamists and Christians etc. Be informed that Hindus never had caste divide wars, while Islamists, Christians and other religious sects got their own separate countries killing fellows in millions of numbers. Your reportings have to change and present Hindus as one unit and non-Hindus as divided into sects, castes and religious groups.
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