What Are Some Real Life Examples, Good Or Bad, Of Karma..?

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When bad karma is perpetrated on a mass scale, the karmic cycle brings back the consequences in unimaginably gruesome ways to bear on the perpetrators themselves. The causality of bad karma may not be immediate but it is inevitable. - Manusmriti
Literally “Laws of Manu”, a 2nd Century BC treatise on the immutable laws of social and divine justice as enshrined in Hindu philosophy, written by the Hindu sage Manu. It was translated first into English in 1794, by Sir William Jones
In the head image, the nation shown is present day Bangladesh. This karmic story has to do with the inhabitants of this land.
1946 – The Genocide of Hindus by Muslims at Noakhali in the East Indian province of Bengal
The day is 16 August, 1946. India is exactly 12 months away from becoming the independent nation state it is today. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League declares 16 August as Direct Action Day. It was Jinnah’s call to all Indian Muslims to rise to the occasion and fight all forces opposed to the creation of a separate Muslim homeland in the Indian Subcontinent that was about to be liberated from British rule. In an ultimatum issued to the Indian National Congress led by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (who would be India’s first Prime Minister, a year later), Jinnah thundered – “If you want war we accept your offer unhesitatingly. We will either have a divided India or a destroyed India.“
Jinnah’s insinuations served to deepen the chasm between Hindus and Muslims in the subcontinent. On 10 October, 1946 the day Hindus in the east Indian province of Bengal were celebrating Kojagori Lakshmi Puja, a festival to honor the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity, a carnage of unprecedented proportions was unleashed on them by the Muslims of Bengal.
It would go down in history as the infamous Noakhali genocide, named after the place in Bengal where it all started. It continued for a week. When it was over, about 5,000 Bengali Hindus were killed and another 350,000 Bengali Hindus were converted to Islam under the threat of violence and brutality. Somewhere between 30,000 to 40,000 Hindu women were mass raped by Bengali Muslims while the Hindu men were being murdered.
Some British sources have provided personal accounts of that genocide of Hindus by Muslims in these words.
“It has been known from authentic sources that at a place 400 and at another 300 (Hindu) women were mass raped by Muslims. To the Muslim crowd, violation of the honour of Hindu women meant the exposure of the most protected aspect of the Hindu identity and religion.“
– Mr. Simpson, I.C.S. in his letters
“Worst of all was the plight of Hindu women. Several of them had to watch their husbands being murdered and then be forcibly converted and married to some of those Muslims responsible for their deaths. Those women had a dead look. It was not despair, nothing so active as that. It was blackness… “
– Miss Muriel Leister, a member of a relief committee sent to Noakhali on 6 November, 1946
1947 – Muslims of the East Indian province of Bengal create East Pakistan
With Jinnah’s dream of a Muslim homeland materializing, the province of Bengal is partitioned into the state of West Bengal comprising mainly Hindus who secede to the newly formed Indian nation while the Muslims of Bengal rename what remained of the divided province of Bengal as East Pakistan.
With Jinnah’s dream of a Muslim homeland materializing, the province of Bengal is partitioned into the state of West Bengal comprising mainly Hindus who secede to the newly formed Indian nation while the Muslims of Bengal rename what remained of the divided province of Bengal as East Pakistan.
Hindus that survived the Noakhali genocide are seen escaping from East Pakistan into India
1971 – The Karmic Cycle revisits the Muslims of East Pakistan – Genocide of East Pakistan Muslims by the West Pakistan Military
The year is 1971. In a series of political manipulations initiated by the leaders of West Pakistan, it became evident to the Bengali Muslims of East Pakistan that they had no political future with West Pakistan. Sensing a rising rebellion in East Pakistan, the West Pakistani army unleashed a genocide on their Bengali Muslim brethren from East Pakistan.
The genocide in Bangladesh began on 26 March, 1971 with the launch of Operation Searchlight, as West Pakistan (now Pakistan) began a military crackdown on the Eastern wing (now Bangladesh) of the nation to suppress Bengali calls for self-determination. During the nine-month-long period of intense ethnic cleansing of Bengali Muslims, members of the Pakistani military and supporting Islamist militias from Jamaat-e-Islami killed close to 3,000,000 Bengali Muslims and raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bengali Muslim women, according to Bangladeshi and Indian sources in a systematic campaign of genocidal murder and rape.
Karma had come full cycle for the Bengali Muslims of East Pakistan.
The perpetrators of 1946 Noakhali became the victims of 1971’s Operation Searchlight in East Pakistan.
And the irony is… they were murdered and raped by the same Muslims from West Pakistan with whom the Bengali Muslims had in 1947, collectively carved a separate homeland on the call of Mohammed Ali Jinnah by brutalizing and driving out the Hindus.
But, the cycle of karmic retribution was not done yet. The season finale was yet to come.
1971 and the Bifurcation of Pakistan
The influx of desperate Bengali Muslims from East Pakistan into India turned into an uncontrollable flow which was economically unsustainable for India. That genocide and the uncontrollable influx of Bengali Muslim refugees from Muslim East Pakistan into India compelled the Indian leadership of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to intervene in what would become known as the war for the Liberation of Bangladesh. The subsequent defeat and public surrender of West Pakistan before India would become one of the only recorded cases in recent military history of one nation publicly surrendering to another.
On 16 December, 1971 General A. A. K. Niazi (center), commander of the Pakistani forces in East Pakistan, signed the Instrument of Surrender before Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Aurora (left), India’s Eastern Army Commander
The Indian army had stepped in to save the Bengali Muslims from near complete ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Muslim army from West Pakistan… the same Bengali Muslims that had brutalized Hindus at Noakhali in 1946 compelling them to flee to India.
But, for the Muslims of Pakistan, karma had struck its final blow.
Just as subcontinental Muslims had bifurcated India to form West Pakistan and East Pakistan in 1947, in the same way the war of 1971 resulted in the partition of Pakistan by India into the Pakistan we know of today, and new nation of Bangladesh.
Karma had come full circle for Pakistan and the 2 Nation Theory that had created it. Unfortunately, Mohammed Ali Jinnah and his band of Muslim League leaders were not alive to witness that day.
I have shared my own article, once again. Coz I think it's very true, n close to my heart but it hadn't get the view I have expected that time. So, m sorry if I had irritated you..
DISCLAIMER: The author is solely responsible for the views expressed in this article. The author carries the responsibility for citing and/or licensing of images utilized within the text.
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Then the same plight has followed Jinnah and his Sister. The military generals of Pakistan has soon after the independence betrayed Jinnah and declared his sister as the agent of India leaving them deprived of even basic medicines (Source: Pakistani News Talks)