Who are Hindus?

All Hindu friends and readers & lovers of history and language, first time I am presenting my research on the Hindu word. Your research-based authentic suggestions are welcome.
There were many questions for the word HINDU and its origin. We have been reading the etymology and interpretation imposed by invaders cum British rulers of the last 200 years.
We must stop the lies and spread the true origin of our HINDU word to the world like fire. The etymology of the word Hindu which was imposed by the invaders & British rulers, is constantly read. According to their bluff history, the Hindu word is corruption of the Sindhu. How can we agree this nonsense!?
Even if we assume for a moment that the area around the Indus is known as Hindu, but not the whole country and religion.
Only some Persian very small dialects from North west Iran like bebilon and Madra, azerbaijani, armenia and geogria (Near the Caucasus Sanskrit Name is Kaikayas) have not the sound of ‘S’, but not entire Persia which is now known as Iran.
In Greek literature, there are only two places like Indoc and Indicos; twice in total (Hinok and Hindicos). This is how Greek pronunciations are. The Greek language about this word is uncertain, but the word is not in the original Greek dictionary of Perseus. They refer to the Persian language for this word. This word (Hindu) in English comes from the Greek language and not from Iran.
(( Who wrote the Greek dictionary? Written by British Rulers. It is possible that this word has been deliberately removed.))
((The Greek has the letter Heta (H), but speaks eta instead. There is no sound H in Greek.))
The second, the Sindhu is clearly mentioned in the old Pahalavi literature of Iran and Zarthostra Text. meaning of Sindhu is river in Pahalavi, not name of Sindhu River.
According to Vendidad text.
pañcadasem asanghãmca shôithranãmca vahishtem frâthweresem azem ýô ahurô mazdå ýô hapta heñdu, âat ahe paityârem frâkereñtat angrô mainyush pouru-mahrkô arathwyâca daxshta arathwîmca garemâum.
Translation :—
The fifteenth of the good lands and countries which I, Ahura Mazda, created, the Seven Rivers. Thereupon came Angra Mainyu, who is all death, and he counter-created abnormal issues in women, and excessive heat. _ Vendidad chapter 1st.
What we often call Avestan Avestan is the book in which Vandidad is a very small book with a total of 50 pages.
A small booklet called Vendidad was found in 1877. This booklet has 22 tiny chapters, hardly 50 pages in total, this is like a samll pocket book. The Pahlavi script dates back to the 15th century BC and existed till the 8th / 9th century, but why is the script of this Vendidad different ??? how and why ??? This book was not with the Parsis when they came to India in the 7th century. that means, it is fake creations by Robbers. So all looters spraed lie that Hapta Hendu is mentioned in Avestan text.
that means, it is fake creations by Robbers. So all looters spraed lie that Hapta Hendu is mentioned in Avestan text. it was huge consparancy. according to tranlation of vendidad’s line. it was clearly mentiond that seven river. seven river does not meant Hindustan. OR INdia OR Aryavart.
The booklet was identified by the German Carl Friedrich as part of British diplomacy. The translation was done by James Darmeister, a Jewish Orientalist living in France.
He also worked on the European translation of the 50 Holy Books of the East in an honorary Insitute led by the Maxmuller. Where is the original copy of this ???? that is the very very Big question ? According to the British rulers, this James was a fan of the Zoroastrian religion. But he did not become Zarathustra follower. His job was simply to distort the literary heritage of Iran and Afghanistan.
Greek language refers to the Persian language for this word. Second, in modern Persian (Farsi) and Older, Medieval Pahlavi + other Iranian dialects it is clearly Sindhus. and Modern day all afghani, pakistani, uzbeki turkmeni, persian speak Sidhu sharp clearly, insted of Hindu.
In the current, Farsi dictionary and the Pahlavi dictionary, the word Hindug, which means Hindu, as well as its original word Hinduk is also mentioned. Here everything becomes clear.
Modern Farsi descendant from Medieval Pahlavi. Old name of Pahlavi is bahaliki, it is mentioned in Natyashashtra. vhaliki–bahaliki was one of Prakrit of Sanskrit.
Many Prakrits were spoken in Param Kamboj. Such as Yavanani, Shakari, Gandhari, Tokhari (Tushari) Richik (Russian) Sogdi, Wahaliki (Pahalavi). Darik (Dardrik).
what is greek language ??? Greek is a group of four dialects. Two of which are dialects such as Yavanani and Dardiik, which were spoken in the area of northern Afghanistan, Param Kamboj. Yavanani dialect was of Arya Yavan’s Janpad Yavandesh.
Let us take a short tour of Hindu Puranas together.
आसिंदो सिंधु पर्यंतम यशभारत भूमिकाः
मातृभूमि पितृभूचल्वा साह वै हिंदुरीतीस्म्रुति|| (Brihad Sanhita )
हिमालय सामराफ्य यवत हिंदु सरोवरम
थम देवमणिम्मम देशम हिंदुस्थानम प्रचक्षते || (Padma Purana)
हिमालयम समभारतम बुंदेसारायम
हिंदुस्थानमिती क्योत्म है अंतराक्षत्रोगा ||(Brihad Naradi)
“कलिना बलिना नूनमधर्माकलिते कलौ । यवनैर्घोरमाक्रान्ता हिन्दवो विन्ध्यमाविशन् ॥” __ (Kalika PuraN, कालिका पुराण)
“हिन्दुधर्मप्रलोप्तारो जायन्ते चक्रवर्तिनः । हीनं च दूषयत्येष हिन्दूरित्युच्यते प्रिये ॥” (Meru Tantra मेरु तंत्र__ Shaiv Granth )
“हिन्दुर्दुष्टो ना भवति नानार्यो न विदूषकः । सद्धर्मपालको विद्वान् श्रौतधर्मपरायणः ॥” _ (Ram Kosh)
“हिन्दुर्हि नारायणादिदेवताभक्तः” _ Hemant Kavi Kosh हेमन्त कवि कोश “हिन्दुर्हिन्दूश्च पुंसि द्वौ दुष्टानां च विघर्षणे ।” __ Adabhoot Rupak Kosha अदभूत रूपक कोश
Let’s travel to the ancient origin of Hindu world in today’s reference. The word Hindu is a corruption of the Sanskrit word हिण्डुक Hinduk. हिण्डुक Hinduk means शिव, शिवत्व, शैविझम, Shivatva, Shaivisam, Shiva, Lord Shankar (Reference Granth Mahabharata) Hinduk, Hindug हिंदुक, हिंदुग are the colloquial words.
Some other Sanskrt words
Hiduk: हिण्डुकः = शिव, शिवत्व, शिव का, or of Shiv in English.
HIndi हिण्डी = पार्वति, दुर्गा, Parvati, Durga. HindiKant, HindiPriyatam हिण्डीकान्त, हिण्डीप्रियतम = शिव Shiv. Hindu mean follower of Shiv.
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Jai Bharat Jai Aryavart
Pt. Dr. Hitesh A. Modha
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