In keeping with the series discussing the merits and benefits of different frameworks available for front-end development, let us discuss the relative benefits and use-cases that are provisioned for us by the use of the Vue.js framework. A very popular and rapidly growing framework in the frontend development space, it has ingrained itself in the hearts and minds of all those developers who have chosen to use it in both their personal projects and in the professional arena. 

Vue.js is an open-source front-end JavaScript framework, developed by Evan Yu and his team, used for developing single-page applications and user interfaces. Due to its incrementally flexible design, it emphasizes and encourages component composition and declarative rendering. Due to its lightweight nature, robust tooling ecosystem, single-file component character and readability and understandability, it has rapidly gained popularity and ground among new frontend developers who are eager to try out newer and more efficient frameworks.

Let us take a look at some of the important reasons behind the rise of Vue.js framework –

  • By provisioning multiple ways to implement a transition to HTML components when upgrading or adding anything from DOM and by delivering the choice to add third-party animated libraries to the settings, Vue.js provides its users with the ecosystem to develop a more cooperative and usable user interface. 
  • Vue.js makes use of something called the Virtual DOM, which practically means that any state changes that are made would not be directly reflected in the DOM. This increases the speed and efficiency of the application.
  • A very crucial feature of Vue.js is the feature of Calculated Properties which practically means that it requires developers to observe the variations made to UI elements and make mandatory calculations, so as to reduce the need for extra coding.
  • By using an HTML-oriented Template that populates the DOM with Vue-related information, it eases the process of building a user-interface and improving its performance.
  • The feature of data binding in Vue.js allows the developers to modify style of and set values to HTML elements using data binding directives that are known as v-bind.
  • In addition to all of the above features, Vue.js also provides various other features to increase developer productivity such as browser development tools, CLI, Vue Router and Vue Loader.

The popularity of Vue.js is such that as per Stack Overflow, it is the world’s second most valued framework. It is especially recommended for developers who are new to the field of web development because of its easy templating with HTML,  its unified integration with numerous apps,  the various ways in which it makes adding interactivity and animation easier for developers and also if we need to launch an MVP quickly in no time.  Thus, Vue.js proves itself as an outstanding framework for use by beginners in the domain of frontend development. In the next post, we shall delve into the framework of Angular.js and understand its merits and benefits.

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