The Moon similarly cannot illumine The Sun.
However, an exclusive devotee of Lord Vishnu, attains to honor and prestige, in spite of being physically dirty in body.

– Narsimha Purana 9.5


Sri Markandeya said :-

Devotees of Lord Vishnu are enthusiastic to a greater degree of his Worship.
They achieve all their wishes by having control over their mind and senses and abide by religion.
The Devotees always keep themselves busy with kind acts and service to their gurus, they talk humbly and follow their varnasrama duties.

They know the Vedas and the elements of the Vedas and always make themselves free from Anger or Temptations.
They always live in Peace, humble gestures are seen on their face and they keep themselves always busy with their religious activities.

They speak less but for the good of all and always curious to serve Guests as per their capacity. They abandon Attitude, Manipulation, Lust or Anger.

To persons with these characteristics and bold, learned in a number of arts, forgiveness is whose quality, always recite or listen to the name of Vishnu and their hearts feel happy (by doing so), who are always ready to worship and have enthusiasm in hearing about stories (from scriptures), the people of these qualities are called Devotees of Vishnu.

– Narsimha Purana 57.2 – 7


Sri Markandeya said :-

A man should worship Lord Narsimha daily with fragrance, flowers etc. and recite the eighteen letter hymn.
O King, this eighteen letter hymn removes all sins, renders the fruits of offerings, peace giving and all-benevolent.

It is “Om Namo Narayana“. He should offer fragrance etc. while reciting this hymn. Lord Vishnu is pleased immediately when worshiped reciting this hymn.

What is the need for a man to observe several other hymns or fasts, the Hymn – Om Namo Narayana only once fulfills all desires.
The person who recites this hymn with sheer concentration, attains the place of Lord Vishnu after complete liberation from sins.

– Narsimha Purana 63.3 – 7


That god, Vishnu, is omnipresent in an inexpressive form, he is the micro-element, he is the immortal Eternal Purusha (Supersoul), the initial cause of this entire world but there is no beginning and no end of him.

He himself is unborn. Hence, he is “Svayambhu” (Self-Born).
However, he originated all living organisms of this world.
He is sovereign, unimaginable, everlasting and in the form of cause and effect.
He is called Vasudeva as this entire world existed in him.

He is Purana (The Origin), Trikaladarsi (Past, Present and Future), and free from all defects.
This entire three-world movable and immovable is in existence because god has protected it.
This is the reason, he is called Vishnu.

As on decay or expiry of the era, all elements including Maha-Tattva (The Elements) reside in Paramatma (Spirit).
He is therefore, called Vasudeva (All-Pervading Spirit).
Some people call him Purusha (Supersoul) and some call Immortal Isvara (Supreme).

– Narsimha Purana 64.69 – 73


108 Names of Surya from Narsimha Purana :-


Suta said — Thus I have made you all to listen this entire Narsimha Purana. It removes all sins and makes man free from the pains. It ensures all fruits of great deeds and all offerings. The people who read or listen either one or half hymn of it, seldom ties with their sins.

This Purana dedicated to god Vishnu fulfills all desires, Bharadvaja, who read and listen with sheer devotion this Purana, the fruits availed by them are being described here. They become free from the sins committed in as much as hundred pre-births and achieve the supreme position with their several thousands generations.

Who listen to the name of Govinda recited frequently daily, they needn’t arranging pilgrimage, donation of cows in gift, penance and the offering.

The man who read twenty hymns of this Purana in morning everyday, receives the fruit of arranging Jyotistoma offering and attains to Vishnu’s Kingdom.

– Narsimha Purana 68.1 – 6


Narsimha Purana Full PDF :-


Yamastaka from Narsimha Purana :-

Markandeya’s Prayers From Narsimha Purana :-

Description of Suryavansha (Solar Dynasty) and Chandravansha (Lunar Dynasty) from Narsimha Purana :-

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