Audrey Truschke; Stop glorifying our Killers

History owes to none but to time and people of the time.
The biases make the worst historians. Ironically biases have been finding awards for ages. Nothing is different in the time of now. We have many eminent historians around us who seem to be sculptures sculpted out of biases coated in colonial hues: Mughals, British, and more.
One such Historian from the current time is Audrey Truschke, a recruit of Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey.
People may wonder that why she is being pointed as a biased crusader & a fake Historian.
The answer lies in her own works. If it has to be put in one line, “she spends time, research and efforts only to glorify everything which would affect glory to India.” It happens often that the words of professional academic is taken on the face value and unfortunately her biases are shaping up into mainstream narrative.
Of all the most cynical it turns out when she begins to perform like a Darbari of Aurangzeb who himself won’t have loved the way Audrey has taken up the PR exercise for the Sufi Emperor posthumously. She always claims about the enormity of Aurangzeb and how he did more good to Hindus than doing atrocities on them. Her one statement became quite famous that, “Aurangzeb protected more Hindu Temples than destroying them.” Even if this statement is to be considered true for a while, will any judiciary use the same logic to spare a murderer who has committed only one murder ever? Audrey would be surprised to know that not many from the Mughal Fan club would be able to digest what she states in respect to Aurangzeb.
The Mughal records state that Aurangzeb’s policy saw the demolition of Hindu Temples as the most important objective. Dara Shukoh had presented Keshava Rai Temple of Mathura with carved railings which the great Sufi Aurangzeb ordered to be removed on October 13, 1666. He had observed:
In the religion of the Musalmans it is improper even to look at a Temple’, and that it was unbecoming of a Muslim to act like Dara Shukoh
Umurat-i-Hazur Kishwar-Kashai/ October 13, 1666
Following which soon the Kalka Temple of Delhi was destroyed by Aurangzeb (Source: Siyah Waqa’i-Darbar, September 3, 1667 & Siyah Akhbarat-i-Darbar-i-Mu‘alla, 12 September 1667).
Mirza Raja Jai Singh of Amber passed away in 1669. On April 9, 1969, Aurangzeb ordered the demolition of temples and gurukuls throughout the empire. He had also ordered for the complete banning of Puja Samskaras (Source: Maasir-i-‘Alamgiri)
Soon after these orders, the great Temple of Keshava Rai in Mathura was demolished in January, 1670) (Source: Maasir-i-‘Alamgiri, p. 95-96, Translation by J.N. Sarkar). A large Mosque was erected at this place. and in its place, a lofty mosque was erected. As per the author of of Maasir-i-‘Alamgiri , the murtis were carried to Agra and buried under the steps of the mosque built by Begum Sahiba, so that they could be continually trodden upon by the Musalmans, and the name of the ancient sacred town Mathura was changed to Islamabad.
Below is a painting depicting that what must have happened:
The bigotry of the Sufi Aurangzeb did not stop there. He demolished the sacred Temple of Vishwanath at Varanasi (Source: Maasir-i-‘Alamgiri, p. 88) and of Somanatha .
Likewise Aurangzeb kept demolishing Hindu Temples and the evidences flow from the Mughal writings itself. He destroyed the great temples of Mewar, Marwar, including two hundred other Temples in the environs of Udaipur and many more. In Chittor he ordered demolition of more than five dozens of Temples which included finest works of Kumbha’s time and even earlier. Only from Marwar several cart-loads of Murtis were brought which were cast in the courtyard and under the steps of Jama Masjid (Source: (Maasir-i-‘Alamgiri, p. 175, Translation: J.N. Sarkar).
And look at what kind of comical statements the historian passes. It seems that there irks are hell bent to make historians the most mistrusted professionals ever.
June 1681, Aurangzeb ordered for the demolition of the highly Jagannath Temple in Puri (Source: Siyaha Akhbarat-i-Darbar-i- Mu‘alla, June 1, 1681). September 1682, The Bindu-Madhav Temple in Varanasi was demolished as per the Aurangzeb’s orders (Source: Siyaha Akhbarat-i-Darbar-i-Mu‘alla, September 13, 1682).
Interestingly, on September 1,1681, his rebel son AKbar joined Chhatrapati Shivaji’s son, Shambhaji. This had not only created problems for Aurangzeb but he was badly furious. He was travelling to Deccan then. He ordered that all the Temples on the way should be destroyed (Source: Siyaha Akhbarat-i-Darbar, September 21, 1681). Aurangzeb kept ordering destruction of temples almost till the time he died. We find him ordering the destruction of Pandharpur Temple and sending butcher camp to slaughter the cows of Gowshala in the precinct (Source: Akhbarat 49-7).
Following the sayings of the Holy Qur’an, Aurangzeb reimposed Jizyah on the Hindus on April 2,1679 (Source: Maasir-i-‘Alamgiri, p. 175, Translation: J.N. Sarkar). Interestingly he had exempted Muslims from paying Zakat ( Source: Siyaha Akhbart-i-Darbar-i-Mu‘alla, April 16,1667). Below is the list of few bans and rules brought by Sufi Emperor Aurangzeb:
But we have our Scholars like Audrey coming in defense of bigot Aurangzeb which is best expressed by the own writings of Mughals. Aurangzeb wasn’t shy to record these instances as they were moments of pride for him. His ultimate motto was establishment of Islamic State.
In the time of now any defense of Aurangzeb is no different than fighting to validate the acts of Adolf Hitler. It only reflects upon the fact that Audrey has no sensitivity for Hindus or perhaps she has grown old only with hate injected. It is quite evident from the fact that what she is doing is only act of showing wrong history. Not something which is factual even a bit.
So what exactly is the intention of Audrey Truschke?
Anyone who claims to have researched on Aurangzeb would know complete details of Fatawa-e-Alamgiri. It had provisions for slavery (including sex slavery ) as mentioned under (source: Fatawa i-Alamgiri, Sheikh Nizam, al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 6 vols):
I wonder that how a man or woman or earth can ever be an advocate from misogynist and slavery supporting emperor like Sufi Aurangzeb? In my opinion, it is a biggest low of Audrey.
Well, it is not only about romanticizing of one of the biggest religious bigot ever but Audrey’s biases becomes way more evident when she gets into misquoting and passing wrong information about Hindu Shastras. While she cozies the character of Aurangzeb, she has never stopped to reflect wrongly how Mahabharata and Ramayana have been books of misogyny, unethical acts and more. She goes on to compare Nirbhaya’s situation with that of “Draupadi” and mentions that how perhaps India has not changed in ages?
She fails to understand the character of Draupadi and many other in Mahabharata, but it is hilarious how sex-slavery supporter Aurangzeb appeared like a hero to her. The wrong doers in each case, whether it was Nirbahaya or Asifa were brutal marauders; no less than filthy Aurangzeb. It is disgusting that Rutgers University has to defend such a fake Hindu-hating scholar day and night.
While she demonizes every Hindu Shastras, she is quite vocal about “how Hinduism is good and Hindutva bad.” But by doing so does she not appear a hypocrite of highest order? I mean, how can she demonize all Hindu Shastras and then claim that “Hinduism” is good? She even goes on to talk that how no manuscripts of Mahabharata are same but would never tell you about decades of versions of the Holy Qur’an. Will she ever stand with Wasim Rizvi, who has called for removal of hateful verses from the Qur’an? Will she call out the Maulvis who are passing fatwas to have him killed? Needless to say but Osama Bin Laden did cite from the Holy Book while declaring the Jihad against the United States of America. Why such biases? There have been multiple killings in the name of Muhammad, Qur’an and Allah. All the top terrorist organisations recognized by international agencies do swear by Allah and Qur’an. But will she ever speak? Can she find us a single terrorist organisation which cites from Bhagwad Gita or Mahabharata while assaulting people? Will she ever tell that “Muslims need to launch their own ‘Not in my name’ protests against cartoon beheadings?”
On the other hand she always keeps misinforming people that Hindutva. According to Audrey, ” The Hindutva was born in the era of fascism, when Europe witnessed the rise of Hitler and Mussolini.” How misinformed Associate Professor does Rutgers University recruits?
Interestingly, Hitler was three years old and Mussolini nine years old when the term Hindutva was coined by Chandranath Basu in 1892.
Her understanding of Hindutva is highly flawed and she pointlessly keeps vilifying Savarkar, Golwalkar etc. Perhaps she is not aware about the scenarios which were popping in the early twentieth century in India. She needs to be told how Hindu Genocide was planned during Mopllah riots, how an Islamic Invasion over India was planned during the Khilafat Movement and why the idea of “Hindutva” evolved a bit differently. It is indeed a disgusting situation to see someone teaching the oppressed ones “how not to call out oppression and keep turning more victim.”
It was a couple of years back when I for the first time countered her nasty views about Hindutva, but I see no growth in merit from her side. I did corroborate the thorough understanding of “Hindu, Hinduism and Hindutva” in the essay Hindu Accepts, Hindutva Resists.
It is a high time that the west and it’s scholars stay away from summonsing Indians. While white supremacist, Islamic State sympathizers set an hawk eye to jeopardize Indian interests every possible way we have supplied vaccines to large chunk of globe. We, the hunted ones, are out their to write our tales and hunters must vanish now.
DISCLAIMER: The author is solely responsible for the views expressed in this article. The author carries the responsibility for citing and/or licensing of images utilized within the text.
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I fully agree. Aurangazeb with blood in his arms, demolished most temples in India than any other invader. This is against tenants of Sufism and in this way he failed as a Mussalman also. Modi Government did a right thing by removing his name for a street in the capital. His name should be erased from memory of present civilised society.
Hindus have reposed their faith in a constitution that takes away their rights and gives rights to Muslims and Christians to convert, kill, rape, control their temples, steal, deceive, threaten, extort, keep illegal weapons, indulge in drug trade, fake Indian currency notes etc. Apart from the above mentioned the Muslims will continue to force their faith on others, demonize all other faiths and all this is already guaranteed in Indian constitution. Illegal immigrants can override a duly elected government in India. The question is what are the Hindus waiting for? This is an error of judgement on part of Hindus. If any individual allows the trespass of his life, family, wealth, faith, tradition, culture, temples, festivals and keep on reposing their faith in dialogue with the enemy who has consistently for 1400 years declared that he does not consider non Muslims as worthy of any human rights. Then I am sorry to say that Hindus have forfeit their rights completely.Hindus have to ask themselves some simple questions:
Do you believe morality, ethics, constitution and laws are supreme in spite of gross violation of all your human rights?
Do you know how to fight back?
Do you want to fight?
The global left movement has initiated steps to dislodge Hindu communities by spearheading the notion that Hindus are outsiders and it is the Muslims who are native to the sub continent. Hindus should stop giving an emotional response and understand that the Wire, Quint, News laundry and many other Islamist/Communist mouthpieces are making a case to prove that Hinduism never existed in the subcontinent and Hindu culture, festivals, traditions, festivals are alien and impure and also the immutable source of all immorality. Islamist/Communist agencies have been receiving funding from various sources in China, Turkey and Western NGO’s which are pushing hard to dislodge Hindu communities from South Asia. Instead of giving an emotional response we should study the methods being used by Islamist/Communist and counter them in a logical way. The methods used by Islamist/Communist is to present themselves as secular. It is important that we start showcasing their true nature using mass media and popular culture.
Islamist movement is trying to convert people and then after conversion they are being told to forgo their local traditions, customs, festivals, culture and the information systems and intelligence that local communities hold is either discarded or misappropriated by the Islamist/Communist. This process violates the human rights, adequate representation and militates against the diversity of cultures, diversity of thought and destroys and misappropriates the knowledge base of local communities. This situation is being presented by Islamist and communist as egalitarian despite the fact that it tantamount to cultural genocide. The destruction of local communities and cultures is being presented as liberating.
The Islamist / Communist ideology is dehumanizing and forcibly homogenizing communities that have long held strong links with remaining Hindu communities all over India. The destruction of existing identities and fashioning a new identity which is alien to local communities has been going on unchecked. Islamist and communist people are cherry picking local conflicts and painting them as a consequence of Hindu religion and are prescribing Hindu festivals, yoga, Hindu traditions as the root cause of all evil. It is very important to expose this nexus in a systematic manner.