How Women Should Behave – The Taliban Way Of Life

A New World is in the Offing. The Taliban is back with their regressive rules and what have they in store for the women of Afghanistan need no introduction. One can assume that the rules which they followed before will be followed even now.

Afghanistan – What Next?

In a swift operation, Taliban took Afghanistan. But, is it the end? Slowly, news is trickling out - of Talibani brutalities, their disregard to Durand Line and to activation of Northern Alliance. It needs to be seen what course the history is going to take.

The Legend of Queen Suhuva and the Destruction of Jayachandra Gahadavala

Ignoring the insinuations of Prithviraj Raso and looking objectively at the history of Jayachandra Gahadavala or Jaichand of Kannauj, one would notice many open questions - the prominent being the reason for his presence at a place like Chandawar where he was killed. Prabodha Chintamani says Suhava is a keep of Jaichand and she invited the Muslims when Jaichand refused to pass the throne to her son. Whatever the veracity of the story, treachery is a theme which should be seriously explored.

A View of Kannauj effectively describing what is left standing in Kannauj

Singhapala – The Indian Kingdom in Philippines

Singhapala or Sugbo was a short-lived kingdom in Philippines which was formed two generations before the start of Spanish Conquest. Centred around Visaya Islands, this kingdom flourished through trade but had a rough career, first due to Moro slave raids and then due to the Spanish attacks. Not much is known about it and almost no traces of it's cultural heritage exist.

Raja Sri Humabon

Mittani and Out of India Migration theory

Three incidents point to the migration of Indians towards Middle East and playing a major role in local politics there - The Migration of Sons of Pururavas(Yajur Veda), 4.2k Global Event and Mursili's raid of Babylon. In an area of continuous flux and chaos, the recruitment of new migrants to reinvigorate the destroyed agriculture and protect them militarily from external raids is a distinct possibilty.

Where has India’s Sovereign Dignity Disappeared?

Abdicating responsibility is one thing and abdicating responsibility for sovereign dignity is another. The situation India today is that the government for some reason is ignoring the need to bring to task those who are harming India's sovereign interests.

Kalinga Invasion of Sri Krishna Deva Raya

Krishna Deva Raya's invasion of Kalinga was a clinical execution in which the borders of Kalinga was pushed from Nellore to Cuttack itself. In spite of that, neither Vijayanagara wanted to disrespect the Gajapati nor the Gajapati treated Krishna Raya a bigger enemy than the Muslims of Bengal. Kalinga lost all lands till Krishna River but gained territories in the North during this invasion.

Trilochanapala – The Last Shahi and the north indian confederacy against mahmud of ghazni

While the spirited fight the Shahis of Kabul put is a matter of legend, the story of their collapse and tracing the career of the last Shahi, Trilochanapala is equally captivating. He lost his kingdom immediately on ascending the throne, carved his own kingdom and even tried to launch an invasion to take back his kingdom, crushing his arch-nemesis Mahmud of Ghazni. While he died, his legacy stays in the form of India still being a Hindu country and the North Indian confederacy created to fight Mahmud and his successors ending with the destruction of Salar Masud and his army.

Mizo or Kuki or Chin? A Brief History of Mizoram

It is not widely known that something called Mizo doesn't exist. It's an artificial construct introduced as a national identity of the Kuki/Chin tribes residing in Mizoram who converted to Christianity and are ready to lose their identity to become a part of Lushai Tribe. Lushei tribe which entered India in late 1700s is one of the last in the wave of tribes entering from Yunnan into North East India and on it's wake, the other tribes residing in Lushai Hills fled further towards Cachar and Manipur. The introduction of Christianity made them a unified mass with a common identity which is still a major reason for strife between Mizos and Bru, the older and more original residents in Mizoram.