Uncategorized Now or never – Hindus have to unite, go above their castes and become Hindus first Let me start off with the electoral politics. A political party just needs 35-40% of popular votes to come to power either in Center...
Essays Modi Govt’s tribunal reforms Not many would have taken a notice of this, but this piece of reform is nonetheless a land mark one. An Ordinance with this...
Culture Who is a brahmin – definition? In this article we will discuss who a Brahmana (or Brahmin) is? We will discuss by taking references from Rig Veda(the earliest known shastra...
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized Why Afghanistan is a graveyard of empires – And the solution? We will discuss the below 3 questions in this article. Why Afghanistan is easy to capture, difficult to conquer and impossible to rule? Can...
Uncategorized Why India’s corrupt are scared of the ministry of cooperation? In the recent cabinet reshuffle, Amit Shah was made the minister of cooperation i.e. a dedicated ministry for Cooperative Societies. That has set a...
uncategorized Key messages from the cabinet reshuffle – what Congress should learn? All of know about the cabinet reshuffle that Modiji did. Lets analyze the various aspects of the reshuffle and lastly what should Congress learn...
Uncategorized Reforming India’s reservation system to unite and strengthen the Hindus There have been many articles written either opposing or supporting the reservation system for SC, ST, OBCs, EWS and Women. All articles have their...
Uncategorized Hindu Dowry system – Rationale, what went wrong and its future Few days back, a World Bank report said that Dowry is very much prevalent in India which is also true. And the dowry deaths...
Uncategorized Why Indian communists are excited on Chinese communist party’s centenary celebrations? 4th July is the independence day of United States when in 1776, the thirteen colonies located on the Atlantic Coast declared their independence. Modiji...
Uncategorized Rafale corruption allegation – A Chinese conspiracy? In any modern day war, especially if a war breaks out between India and Pakistan/China, AIR FORCE is going to play the most important...