The Error in our thoughts

In behavioural Psychology, we come across various terms, that passively or actively influence our thinking skills. One such label is Fundamental Attribution Error. Personally...


It was believed that our ancestors gained and then lost dark skin throughout evolution. But I came across an article on the internet a...

Dominating Recessiveness

The Rama and The Ravana are the opposite faces of the same coin. Both exist inside all human beings. The peculiarity of both of...

The Great Humanoid War – Hindi

महान ह्यूमनॉइड युद्ध ह्यूमनॉइड साम्राज्य बहुत ही आनंदमय, उल्लासप्रिय और समृद्ध स्थान था। सम्पूर्ण राज्य राजा एन्सेफेलॉन के नियंत्रण में था। देश अर्ध आत्मनिर्भर...