A formidable demon king named Hiranyakashyap governed the Asura country. He was conceited and narcissistic, thinking he was superior to the gods and invincible....
In behavioural Psychology, we come across various terms, that passively or actively influence our thinking skills. One such label is Fundamental Attribution Error. Personally...
Manipulation and Decision Making Ability Psychologically speaking, we all are here to manipulate others’ minds. These manipulations are generally non-coercion in nature. They are...
Manipulation and Decision Making Ability Psychologically speaking, we all are here to manipulate others’ minds. These manipulations are generally non-coercion in nature. They are...
Abstract / Introduction: It is presumed that females are fond of makeup articles and gossips. The beauty and charm are attributed more to females as...
महान ह्यूमनॉइड युद्ध ह्यूमनॉइड साम्राज्य बहुत ही आनंदमय, उल्लासप्रिय और समृद्ध स्थान था। सम्पूर्ण राज्य राजा एन्सेफेलॉन के नियंत्रण में था। देश अर्ध आत्मनिर्भर...