Hindus- Through the Eyes of Americans

More than one hundred years back, Swami Vivekanand introduced Hindu, Hinduism and Hindustan to Americans. Americans, when addressed as “Sisters and Brothers of America”...

Hindutva: The Sanatan

Sanatan is eternal, everlasting. Sanatan Dharma is a commonly known term in day to day life, all over the globe. Dharma is innate nature...

Hindu Psychology

Bhagavad Gita (13/5) says: महाभूतान्यङ्ककारो बुद्धिरव्यक्त मेव च |इन्द्रियाणि दशैकं च पञ्च चेन्द्रियगोचरा: || Meaning (every human being) is made up of the five...

Hindu Faith (Hindutva)

The three key elements of any society, organization, person or family, in Hindi language, are known as ‘Aastha’, ‘Avastha’, ‘Vyavastha’. Aastha is faith. Avastha...

2 Cs of Success

Sudarshan was born in a  remote village in Punjab. He was son of a refugee family who had migrated, leaving behind their hearth and...

Independence Day Resolution

The 15th August, India’s Independence day is around the corner. I have a friend named, Deshpremi. Each year, he sends me his Independence day...