Maa Maheshvari

Of all the emanations of the Mother, Maheshvari is the wisest, most patient, grand, noble and august. For she deals with vast scales and tracks of infinite universes. Eons and ages in her vision are a blink of time. And light-years but laggards to her speed of thought. She can see beyond time for she is time. And no space bars her view for she holds it in her compass. And it with her unrelenting patience of eternity the galaxies and supernovae move, and the Milky Way flows, and the Universe evolves. The Sun is barely a point in her sight and the darkness of space and matter her playground.

BHARAT- The Mrityunjay Rashtra

||वयं हिन्दूराष्ट्रांग भुता:||Why Indians are Hindus?When the Shahi Imam of Jama of Delhi went to Mecca on a pilgrimage, a local resident asked him,...

The Hindu rashtra

What Is #Navratri?

According to Sankhya all that manifests is She. This expression in name and form, in roopa and gati, is not just in the gross world but also in far subtler worlds that are not perceived by our gross senses. Thus she is our vital energy or prana, our mind and intelligence, and our sense of ego. As soon as one understands and sees clearly that the personality that is so dear to us are only her energies, something else emerges. An awareness that is free of all manifestation, that is niranjan, pure, without any tendencies or direction. This awareness is the purusha.