The Concept of Mithya

The only moksha in his eyes is sayujya, or a complete union with the Divine in each thought, feeling, sense and action

An Introduction to Vedanta

Vedanta is perhaps the most difficult darshana to comprehend especially in its purest monistic form. To even contemplate the state where there is only...

Saif Ali Khan: Eulogising Taimur to Ravan

The Bollywood has always whitewashed and varnished the atrocities and genocide committed on Sanatanis by Islamic invaders from Mohammed Bin Qasim in 712 AD...

Sri Aurobindo, the Father of Our (Undivided) Nation

If Swaraj was a call to arms by Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Vipin Chandra Pal and Sri Aurobindo, eventually fulfilled on India’s independence, his dream of a united India was the aspiration to ensure that India fulfil her destiny to its utmost.

Sri Aurobindo, the Literary Giant

It is my realization that the Indians have done poorly in ensuring that our national treasures, the most creative minds and spirits, are widely circulated and studied with utmost focus and attention.