Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Rohingya – a well-funded group conducting land jihad in India and Nepal It is a strategy for Islamic republics to NOT take in Muslim refugees. The Muslim refugees are encouraged to conduct land jihad in kafir... by Global Watch January 3, 2021January 21, 2022
Uncategorized India: a rising power in the horizon Past is a history of lost decades for our country. Rulers have come and gone. History remembers them for one thing or the other.... by Arjun Behura December 31, 2020January 21, 2022
Uncategorized When India will expel Rohingya??? Today (31stDec-20) the last day and year comes to an end. Still the most important yet incomplete work on the roster to expel the... by Sanat Bhardwaj December 31, 2020January 21, 2022
Uncategorized A Communist Spy occupying India’s one top post Friends, have you watched the movie “The Impossible Spy” based on a true story? An Israeli spy named “Eli Cohen” is all set to... by rajendrachola December 27, 2020July 15, 2023
Uncategorized Another POK There is legal Indian territory in Bangladesh due to the unfair partition of Assam in 1947. What is less known in India is that... by Sylheti Bengali December 25, 2020December 27, 2020
Uncategorized NaMo is building the greatest Army india has ever seen If you love our country, read this once. Know what the central government has given to the Army in these 6 years. After this,... by Anti Adharma December 22, 2020January 21, 2022
Uncategorized Retired Wing Cdr PS Negi “IAF checkmated Pakistan” #Balakot Since I have retired now, I can say that on that night I saw everything on the radar scope.The radar screen was lit up... by Dilbert December 5, 2020December 5, 2020
Uncategorized Urban Naxal Pranoy Roy & Radhika Roy NDTV promoters banned by SEBI . The Naxals are the extreme (and real) face of communist parties in India. Naxals form the most important part of the Breaking India forces... by PrateekDalal December 2, 2020January 21, 2022