since from the beginning of this year, we are facing lots of difficulties in our daily life due to coronavirus crisis.we are in lockdown from march to May in this period of time many are lost there job as industries are close, as well as all the other sources of livelihood, was stoped.
In the midst of the situation of corona crisis, everyone is struggling to manage there livelihood the hike of petrol and diesel price continuously in this amidst situation is a very serious concern when the price of crude oil is getting lowered.
Read:5 schemes of modi government help india in lockdown corona crisis 

Price of Diesel beats petrol first time.

 In the history of India first time price of diesel is more than petrol which is this time price of crude oil is very low but the price hike day by day in India.
Read:digital strike on china-59 chinese apps ban by government.

Increasing of diesel price directly affect the agriculture sector and due to this cost of vegetables and fruit and other farming product started to increase.similarly the price of petrol affect the transportation all these directly affect the expenditure of common people.

Politics of hypocrisy: On price hike


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