Government schools in Muslim-dominated regions of Gopalganj, Bihar, are closed on Fridays rather than Sundays. It is a weekly holiday for kids that is granted on Sundays in all schools. Prior to this, the Education Minister had asserted that holidays only occur here on Sundays when similar examples came to light. Every claim has been refuted by ABP News. Due to Friday prayers, Friday is given a holiday in this instance.

Government schools in Gopalganj, Bihar, are closed on Fridays rather than Sundays, similar to Kishanganj. The Upgraded Middle School in Gopalganj, Jagarnatha, was where the ABP News team initially arrived. Here, the school was closed. Schools were closed. Even the teachers’ offices were secured. local Muslim ladies who live in the area. He stated that schools have been off on Fridays in this area for years.

Due to Friday prayers, schools are still closed. Because there are many Muslims in this area, schools are not open. Instead of Friday, the school is open on Sunday. Following this, the ABP News team arrived at Upgraded Middle Urdu Vidyalaya in Duldulia. Here, the school was closed. Schools were closed. Even windows and gates weren’t there in some classrooms. The claim that Friday is a holiday in these schools was made here as well.

The school should be open on Friday, according to Rajkumar Sharma, the district education officer for Gopalganj. He declared that he would consider all available information. The only day of the week off should be Sunday. This is not going well. In Bihar, there shall be one law, one rule. He was spotted, though, refraining from saying anything else. The weekly holiday will only be on Sundays, according to Chandrashekhar, the minister of education, who also made this announcement.

A similar situation had previously arisen in Kishanganj. The weekly holiday in government schools was on Friday rather than Sunday because of Friday prayers. This too generated a great deal of debate. A case of imposing Islamic rituals in schools has also surfaced in Gopalganj. Is there a plot to Islamize public schools, one that is being questioned? On Friday rather than on Sunday, there is a weekly holiday. Nobody has a government directive, notification, or another document that would force Friday school closures.

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