On Occasion Of 70th Year Of Aggression Of China Into Tibet: Big Corporations Doing Business With China To Be Indirectly Blamed? (Part 2 Of 3)

(This is in continuation of my article ‘On the Occasion Of 70th Year Of Aggression Of China Into Tibet: Big Corporations Doing Business With China To Be Indirectly Blamed? Part 1 of 3, which was published on kreately. in on February 15, 2021)
The fateful day come in the history of Tibet when the People’s Liberation Army of China attacked Tibet in 1949. The Chinese Communists tried to persuade the Tibetan government to begin negotiations for the “peaceful liberation” of the country, and when the Tibetan officials hesitated, Chinese forces attacked the Tibetan army in October 1950 and captured the town of Qamdo (Chamdo)[1]. The Chinese army did not, however, occupy Lhasa, since Mao Zedong wanted China’s claim to Tibet legitimized by having the Dalai Lama voluntarily accept Chinese rule. The Tibetan government, demoralized by the lack of support from other countries, most notably Britain and India, for Tibetan independence, sent negotiators to Beijing in the spring of 1951 to reach a settlement with the Chinese government. In May 1951, the Tibetan delegates signed a “17-Point Agreement”-without the Dalai Lama’s knowledge or authority -formally recognizing Chinese sovereignty over Tibet[2]. To this day, the Chinese refer to the events from 1949 to 1951 as culminating in the “Peaceful Liberation” of Tibet. It should be better called “Economic Exploitation of Tibet by China and their Hegemony”.
China’s real GDP grew at an average annual rate of 6.7% from 1953 to 1978, although the accuracy of these data has been questioned by many analysts, some of whom contend that during this period, Chinese government officials (especially at the subnational levels) often exaggerated production levels for a variety of political reasons[3].
Since 1979, China’s economy has grown substantially faster, and, for the most part, has avoided major economic disruptions. From 1979 to 2018, China’s annual real GDP averaged 9.5%. This has meant that on average China has been able to double the size of its economy in real terms every eight years. The global economic slowdown, which began in 2008, had a significant impact on the Chinese economy. From 2008 to 2010, China’s real GDP growth averaged 9.7%. However, the rate of GDP growth declined slowed for the next six consecutive years, falling from 10.6% in 2010 to 6.7% in 2016. Real GDP ticked up to 6.8% in 2017, but slowed to 6.6% in 2018, (although it rose to 6.8% in 2017)[3].
The IMF’s April 2019 World Economic Outlook projects that China’s real GDP growth will slow each year over the next six years, falling to 5.5% in 2024.
Following the opening of the Golmud-Lhasa railway line in 2006, there has been a massive boom in mining operations on the Tibetan plateau. In March 2010, the Chinese government announced plans for exploiting over 110 proven varieties of minerals (with 3,000 potential mining sites) on the Tibetan plateau, worth more than US$125 billion—with large reserves of copper, chromium, gold, and lithium, to mention a few minerals, as well as large oil and gas reserves. Tibetan nomads have protested new mining operations, which poison drinking water and kill herd animals. On top of this, dam-building has expanded considerably across the plateau[4].
End Result: China wants the traditional grazing lands of the Tibetan nomads and is forcing them off these lands.
1. Canada: – It is the foreign nation with the greatest number of investments in Tibet, particularly in the railway and mining sectors. Canadian ventures completely avoid the topic of adopting a clearly stated human rights policy, and few of them adhere to their own stated positions on ethical business practices when in China. Nortel, for instance, states the following position on its website: “We strive to do the right thing for individuals, organizations, and the society in general.”
Fine words, but Tibetans have absolutely no say in what is happening to Tibet's resources. The land area of Tibet is by law owned by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), which enforces its decisions through its extensive military and paramilitary arms.
A. Railways to Tibetan Capital Lhasa
B. Mining of Minerals (copper, Gold, Zinc) on Tibetan Plateau
The joint-venture Chinese companies use Canadian company technical expertise for mining exploration and development. The Chinese government then stonewalls on permits to actually launch the mine (stonewalling can go on for years), and finally, the Canadian company is bought out for low prices. Some of the Canadian Companies that were involved in the exploitation of are:
In the Tibetan Plateau—in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces—Chinese companies and government geological bureaus are more open to joint ventures with outsiders.
C. Dam Instrumentation
2. Austria
3. Spain
4. United Kingdom
5. United Kingdom-Netherland Collaboration
And talking of abysmal environmental track records, the following energy giants are interested in shale-gas and shale-oil extraction in China’s far west:
1. BP Amoco (UK-based),
2. ExxonMobil (US-based), and
3. Total French company.
Tibet is under forced military occupation by Communist China. In such a situation, is the Business of mining exploitation by foreign companies an ethical practice?
[1] https://uca.edu/politicalscience/dadm-project/asiapacific-region/chinatibet-1950-present/
[2] https://www.umass.edu/rso/fretibet/education.html
[3] China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States – EveryCRSReport.com
[4] Mining & Canadian Companies, Disturbing Questions: Meltdown in Tibet
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