Uncategorized Another day , @Anandmahindra backed, @shailiChopra owned, Hinduphobic @shethepeople fails to report a crime against women Yet another day and Anand Mahindra backed, Shaili Chopra owned She The People site , which claims to be a feminist do not report... by BihariBhagwati July 6, 2021February 2, 2022
Opinions Opinions When KGB tortured 2 Christians who converted to Hinduism and imprisoned them. I saw this extremely tragic story about 2 Hindus men from Armenia who had converted from Christianity . https://www.hkussr.com/saltedbread.htm These 2 men were sent... by BihariBhagwati July 5, 2021February 2, 2022
uncategorized Another day another #hinduphobic article by #ShailiChopra owned #ShethePeople (which is funded by Anand Mahindra) Another day and another expected HINDUPHOBIC article by propaganda site called shethepeople , who claims to be a feminist site which is owned and... by BihariBhagwati July 3, 2021January 20, 2022