Uncategorized China’s Potemkin Peacekeeping: The CCP is using its increased U.N. peacekeeping presence to shift international norms about human rights. If Washington takes these steps, it can help promote peace and security in Africa and prevent the CCP from advancing authoritarian and mercantilist objectives under the guise of UN peacekeeping. by Global Watch June 11, 2021June 11, 2021
Uncategorized On Occasion Of 70th Year Of Aggression Of China Into Tibet: Big Corporations Doing Business With China To Be Indirectly Blamed? (Part 2 Of 3) (This is in continuation of my article ‘On the Occasion Of 70th Year Of Aggression Of China Into Tibet: Big Corporations Doing Business With... by Ankush Bhandari March 1, 2021April 10, 2021
Uncategorized Know the Secrets of the Chinese Army with Abhijit Iyer Mitra by Ankit Shah January 29, 2021January 26, 2022
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized Why kung fu china will never go to war? Video by Ankit Shah October 10, 2020October 10, 2020
Uncategorized Galwan Valley : China’s biggest defeat in 40 years What happened in Galwan Valley between Indian and Chinese forces is still unclear but few facts that are coming out and the way China... by India Report June 28, 2020June 30, 2020