Essays 712 AD : The First Attacks By Islam on India Before the entrance of Islam into India, evidence shows that Arab trading ships and merchants had been traveling to the Malabar Coast, where they... by Dilbert July 27, 2020August 8, 2020
Culture Why do people to make fun of Hindu gods? Why do people make fun of Hindu gods? Mocking Hindus and their cultural beliefs nowadays have become a new style statement for many. Now... by Nirupam July 23, 2020July 23, 2020
Uncategorized Mr. Biden – beware of what you wish for! Technology has brought tectonic shift in the way we consume news and views circa 2020! Every message reaches millions in the blink of the... by Vibhuti Jha July 22, 2020July 22, 2020
USA USA Sorry, Will Biden allow Jihad teachings in US Schools? Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden said “I Wish We Taught More Islam In Our Schools”Our question to Biden is – Are you saying YOU... by Vijay Ramesh July 22, 2020July 22, 2020
Politically Incorrect Politically Incorrect BUSTING THE MYTH OF SUFI SYNCRETISM: Singing and dancing as a cover for jihad THEOLOGICAL HISTORY The normal misconception about Sufism is that it is very much like the mystic way of the Indian Sadhu, and shows a... by Sanjay Dixit June 29, 2020November 15, 2020
Uncategorized POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IN INDIA AND TWO PARTITIONS – TERRITORIAL AND MENTAL I was having a conversation with a senior TV journalist on What’s App. Zee News had just done a show on the various kind... by Sanjay Dixit June 27, 2020July 5, 2020