Uncategorized Selected Verses From Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 11 – The Uddhava Gita One should have form faith that he will achieve all success in life by following those scriptures that describe the glories of the Supreme... by Dharma Persona January 9, 2022
Uncategorized Selected Verses From Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 When the luminaries in the sky, such as the moon, the sun and the stars, are reflected in liquids like oil or water, they... by Dharma Persona January 8, 2022
Culture Culture Culture Culture Selected Verses From Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 In spite of my inability, whatever I have been able to hear and whatever I could assimilate I am now describing in glorification of... by Dharma Persona January 2, 2022January 2, 2022
Culture Lord Krishna and the Art of Saying No If you have difficulty saying No to people, you must read this. Rishi Vyasa’s Mahabharat is replete with events, anecdotes, stories but my special... by devnonlydev August 30, 2021August 18, 2022
uncategorized New Age War: Relevance of Voice of Lord Krishna Irony of a War: Humanity is massacred in War. War is fought to protect Humanity. No one could decipher the mystery of these two... by Sanat Bhardwaj November 5, 2020November 5, 2020
Uncategorized Don’t Lecture Us on Veganism, we are the land of Krishna Bhakts! Humans are a very funny and strange species. They exaggerate the positive and good while completely abandoning what ‘they or the mainstream media thinks’... by Dr. Vishakha Moghe July 24, 2020July 24, 2020