uncategorized Why ram setu should be the symbol of love among masses and not taj mahal While Taj Mahal is always portrayed as the symbol of love by left-leaning historians and unfortunately now it’s widely accepted as a symbol of... by Aman November 1, 2020January 25, 2022
Culture THAT’SWHY I AM IN LOVE WITH HINDUISM : LET’S MOVE BACK TO OUR PAST I think the learnt scholar Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar must not be well versed in Sanskrit that's why he was unable to find the real meaning of shlokas of Manu Smriti and decided to burn it. by Sonakshi October 3, 2020October 3, 2020
uncategorized Manipulative history needs to be rewritten! There is a famous saying “History is written by winners”. and that is true no matter the country. A large part of well documented... by Gaurav Saini September 12, 2020September 12, 2020