uncategorized A MESSAGE FROM SURVIVOR OF TERRORISM OF RADICAL ISLAM FOR EVERYONE Radical Islam places all Muslims in jeopardy. Radical Islamic violence is rampant in the Muslim world. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been slaughtered... by Adv. Yukti Rathi May 8, 2021January 20, 2022
Security Is Bengaluru safe haven for Islamist Terrorists? Karnataka has seen three riots in one year from December 2019, yes THREE RIOTS They (Seculars, Intellectuals etc.) say it all started because of... by Kiran Aradhya November 26, 2020January 21, 2022
Culture Kashmiri Hindu Plight Even after 30 years of staying away from our motherland, we Kashmiri Hindus have not lost hope. It's our motherland - Maej Kasheer ! by Kaul July 21, 2020July 22, 2020