uncategorized Expunging the black blots sprinkled on the Divine Love story of Rāmā-Sītā. “न देवी तव दुःखेना स्वर्गं अपि अभिरोचये” (If you cry, even swarga is not pleasing to me), these were the words of Maryadapurushottam... by Adarsh Anand Dubey November 15, 2022
Culture Culture Dominating Recessiveness The Rama and The Ravana are the opposite faces of the same coin. Both exist inside all human beings. The peculiarity of both of... by Dr. RK Panchal October 17, 2021February 3, 2022
Politics Krishna Rajya: A roadmap for True Bharatiya Governance We have grown up hearing the term “Ram Rajya” (Sri Rama’s rule”) which is always used as a synonym for ideal governance as well.... by Tanya January 23, 2021January 26, 2021
uncategorized THE FORGOTTEN HEROES OF RAM MANDIR Atharveda ,Scandpurana, Tulsidohashatak, Ramcharitmanas all speak a volume for RAM MANDIR. by Sonakshi September 2, 2020September 3, 2020
Culture Sri Ram can Never Be Imam-e-Hind Ever since the construction of the Ram Janmabhoomi Mandir has been in the news, we have also heard that Prabhu Sri Ram is Imam-e-Hind.... by Rati Hegde August 4, 2020August 4, 2020
Uncategorized Ramnamis: Ardent devotees of Lord Ram The reason behind tattooing 'Ram' is to spread the message of the omnipresence of God. They claim the God cannot be seen but exists “within the self.” These Ramnamis call themselves Ramupasak. by AnitaChouksey July 22, 2020July 22, 2020