The event initiated during Sino Indian war, on 18 November 1962 at the elevation of 5500m, in the Arctic cold climate of India China border of Rezang La pass.

The young Major of 38 years along with his 124 men of 13 Kumaon Regiment was ready to die for the country. At the peak of morning even when the sun was asleep some movement was noticed on the borders. Major Shaitan Singh immediately realized that taking the advantage of the situation China had attacked them.

Major asked the help from officers, but was ordered to leave the post as the help was not possible. Leaving the post meant to surrender before China.

Surrender of Ladakh, the forehead of India before China was impossible for Major Shaitan Singh.

With the outdated rifles of world war 2 and strength of 124 men, Major decided to face China.

The place soon became surrounded with the sounds of bullets, but Major realized the conspiracy of China. Chinese very well knew that Indians were less in number and that too with outdated weapons therefore they were misguiding Indians, the actual attack was planned afterwards.

Major divided his army into groups, and placed them on important check posts. His army fought with full valour, Major himself ran post to post uncovered to bolster the morale of the army. Running uncovered injured him badly, blood flowed all over his body.

One of his men managed to take him behind the rock and requested him to take medical aid, but Major refused, instead he ordered for two rifles, one he took in his hands and the one he tied to his leg through a rope. Due to extreme pain, Major ordered one of his soldier to open his belt, but that was not possible because if would have done so, his internal organs would have come out.

Major fought with two rifles, nobody knows when the sounds of bullets ended and there was complete silence again. China declared ceasefire right after 3 days.

China suffered maximum loss in Rezang La. Approximately 1300 Chinese soldiers died, due to unexpected retaliation and maximum loss in Rezang La, China had to declare cease fire.

After a few months when the snow melted, Major’s body was found frozen on same rock, rifle in one hand and rope tied to the leg further tied to another rifle. 114 bodies were found frozen on their positions along with their rifles, but none of them moved. Major’s body was send to his home town Jodhpur with full honours. Later Government of India declared Param Vir Chakra for Major. Also the Shipping Corporation of India named one of his tankers in name of Major Shaitan Singh. The true story certifies the line of the most famous song – das das ko ek n mara….

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