20 Benefits of Meditation You probably don’t know!

As you all know, In today’s life, people don’t even have time to rest or take a break. This much busy and extreme lifestyle causes Stress and Anxiety which further becomes Depression.
Even the doctors have said that today’s most dangerous disease is not any cancer or virus, but it is Depression. It is estimated that each one of the 3 persons suffers from Depression in today’s world.
It’s such a deep thing that it leads to suicides, coma, heart attacks and all. Now the good thing is that this problem has a solution. That solution is only Meditation. Only a man who is engaged in Meditation can beat these problems.
Since the ages, our ancestors have been engaged in this practice, known as Meditation. This was the way by which our ancestors controlled their emotions and became able to fight such problems.
Meditation is a practice of concentrating our mind into one thing and making it calm. It is a system of taking our mind into a state called zero-thought state. This is a situation where the mind becomes empty and free of thoughts.
Many Historians suggest that this practice was mainly developed in India. From there it spread to the Eastern countries, like China and Japan. Its importance is mentioned in many religions.
Our mind is full of thoughts. Thousands of thoughts come and go in just a flash. Just sit alone in any silent place and see your mind. You will see bundles of thoughts in your mind.
This state of thinking so much is known as Overthinking. From the above points, this thing would be looking like a normal thing. But believe it, Overthinking is a very dangerous problem.
According to researchers, 80% of people who suffer from stress or anxiety have this habit of Overthinking. People who have a calm and stable mind are wise and not those who overthink.
You know, regretting about the past or fearing from the future; these all are signs of Overthinking. When you start thinking so much about your past or future; this leads to Stress and sometimes it becomes Depression.
Our ancestors knew that this is the main cause of stress. So they devised a system of such practices that could make our mind stable and free of thoughts. This system was called Meditation.
So meditation is a way of concentrating our mind into one thing rather than focusing on many things. This is done by achieving a state called Zero-thought state. This is a state where our mind becomes empty of all thoughts and starts living in the present moment.
Now there are various ways of doing meditation.
It can be done by focusing on any one thought or any one object. It can also be done by chanting any one Mantra or rosary beads. It can also be done by doing Yoga.
The majority of people do meditation by chanting rosary beads or any Mantra such as Om.
Practicing Meditation reliefs the mind from stress and anxiety. As it makes the mind stable and brings in the present moment.
It prevents Depression. As I told you above, it reliefs from stress and anxiety. The main cause of Depression is stress only and that is prevented by Meditation.
It cools down the mind. Our mind is just like a car engine. When used excessively, it starts heating up which causes laziness. Meditation acts like a coolant to it.
Reduces Anger, Fear and Lazyness. As I told you when our mind overthinks very much, we start becoming angry, lazy and fearful. This is prevented by meditation.
This improves our productivity. As we become less lazy, we start working more and more. In this way, Meditation makes us more productive.
It lowers our B.P. As I told you, meditation makes us less angry as it calms down the mind. So by this, our blood pressure level is also lowered down.
This improves the functioning of the heart. As it lowers down the blood pressure, it also regulates the flow of blood which in turn improves our heart as well.
It improves our lungs and respiration. The main role of meditation is breathing. Regularly practicing breathing in this exercise improves our respiration.
It improves our digestion and stomach. Meditation improves our metabolism, which in turn also improves our digestion and our stomach.
This makes our brain strong. Now it’s no rocket science to understand this point. As the main role of meditation is to improve our brain and mind only.
It increases our patience and tolerance. When our mind becomes calm, we start less worrying, thus we become more patient and tolerant.
We become less angry and start behaving calmly. As I told you above, meditation prevents us from being more angry about things.
We forgive more. As we become more patient along with doing meditation, we become more tolerant and forgive more.
We become open-minded. When our mind reaches the zero-thought state, thereafter it starts thinking in newer perspectives.
As the emotions like anger, greed and fear goes away, we become more well-mannered and our speaking skills improve.
Check out this Post: How to Do Meditation?
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