Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a US puppet, a tool in the Great Game that’s been played for 100’s of years….

A Twitter user Richard Tiffin with username – @tiffin1963 wrote a thread to explain how Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a US puppet, a tool in the Great Game that’s been played for 100’s of years. Here is the thread –

Before the war started, Zelenskyy refused an offer for peace. Russia required 3 things;
1) Water in Crimea: no water was destroying the economy there.
2) Minsk 2 imposed: peace for the people of Donbas, within Ukraine, but greater autonomy.
3) Ukraine to remain neutral: no NATO.

Liberal discussion of ‘sovereignty’ in a world of Great Power Geopolitics is fair, but pointless. In the world we actually live in, rather than the world we’d like to live in, there are plenty of reasons for Russia to have taken this position.

Zelenskyy actually increased the provocation against Russia in January 2022 by;
1) Intensifying the bombardment of Donbas
2) 2) Threatening to retake Crimea
3) 3) A group of Republican congressmen intended to introduce a bill declaring Ukraine a NATO-plus country.
The die was cast.

Russia inevitably invaded. The important questions are;
1) Why did Zelenskyy increase provocations when Biden said “Putin has to do something”?
2) 2) What will happen now?
Zelenskyy pushed because he’s a US puppet, a tool in the Great Game that’s been played for 100’s of years.

The latest iteration of the Game has of course been planned for some while.

US sponsorship of the 2014 coup; the training and arming of a huge army of 600,000 led by ultra nationalists; ignoring the horrors of Donbas. These and many other clues are there, questions to answer.

The plan was made public in late 2021 when Elbridge A. Colby published The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict.The Great plan was for a moral proxy war. Support for the little nation whose sovereignty had been impinged. This would justify an endless supply of arms to fight Russia, coming from some of the wealthiest nations in the world.The clincher? Not a drop of US or European blood will be spilt, other than Ukranian, and the nationalists wanted it. The US could fight to the last Ukranian.

The Great Game isn’t really Russia, they are a small, though important player. A collapsed nation and neo-liberal reconstruction would be very profitable of course. All those lovely commodities. Yum yum! No, the real target is China. They’re the US global peer competitor.By most every economic metric China has surpassed, or is about to surpass, the US. China are also the second largest military spender.The US retain one important power, control over the global financial system, bringing the benefits of a reserve currency and one more thing.The power to decide against whom, why, how, and when to impose sanctions.

As president Woodrow Wilson said of sanctions, “Apply this economic, peaceful, silent, deadly remedy and there will be no need for force.” Whoever controls sanctions controls the world.This brings us on to the real reason the US is acting against Russia now, why Zelenskyy pushed on to the inevitable consequence. China is in the process of forming an alternative global financial system. They already have an alternative to SWIFT, the interbank payment system. What is worse, from a US perspective, Chinese currency is more solid, has greater value.

Its been argued many times the US dollar is propped up by being the reserve currency, by people holding dollars, else its vast QE programme and huge public spending deficit would haunt it.China has no QE programme, no deficit, in fact it has huge reserves and a massive economy.In short, if the Chinese global financial system took over, if ever more banks join and use CIPS rather than SWIFT, the US has had it. It becomes what Britian drifted into.

A sad island dreaming of a glorious past and lost opportunities. Why? Because the US would no longer be able to impose sanctions.So, China must be stopped and Russia via Ukraine is the first step.Next, this little nation with her sovereignty impinged strategy will be Taiwan.In the world of Great Power Politics China will be provoked to act as Russia did, by force of arms, when Taiwan declare independence.

That begins my answer to question two, what next?The US is shocked that Russia is winning the war against an army 3 times its size.Very soon Russia will have achieved its objectives, a buffer zone, water to Crimea and peace in Donbas. They will withdraw and invite the UN to come in and keep the peace.Ukraine will have lost hugely. Crimea, Donbas and perhaps more will not be autonomous Ukrainian.They will be independent states of the Russian Federation.Ukraine will also be neutral. Its clear NATO have no intention of fighting Russia directly, so they will drop the provocation when Russia achieve their aims an withdraw.But the US has now over reached.

There will be consequences. The worst one, from a US perspective, they have actually sped up the alternative global financial system.Russia has been forced to trade outside of the dollar and nations are buying. Gas, oil, wheat, fertiliser, etc, all commodities the world needs.Russia has also backed its currency with gold at a guaranteed price, how long before the Yuan joins suit?What is more, most nations of the world didn’t sanction Russia.They might bide their time before risking the wrath of the US by buying oil etc. in roubles, but they will.They will want to get their national reserves out of dollars after watching on in horror as Russian reserves were seized. They’ll prefer a Chinese ‘law based system’ to US whims in a ‘rule based system’. All they need is confidence.Unfortunately, this increases tensions.The US will now be in a hurry in this race against time.

As in the case of Pakistan and the removal of Khan, it will want to show little nations of the world it’s still the big bully in town. She will want to frighten them from daring to use roubles and CIPS.Worse yet.This will push forward the Taiwan provocation. That’s why Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and and Japan were invited to the NATO ministers meeting over the past two days. They will be getting the heads up over Taiwan.The notable thing of this meeting is India’s absence.Modi has clearly thrown his lot in with China and Russia, so he was snubbed, despite being a key member of the soon to be defunct Quad.

China and Russia are aware of the plan, which explains why Russia made such excellent preparations against the harshest ever sanctions.How they will counter the Taiwan provocation? Will President Tsai have second thoughts now she saw the consequences in Ukraine? How quickly will trade transfer to CIPS? These are the questions for Crystal balls. But the answers hold the question to all our futures, to WWIII.


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