Uncategorized Is Qatar the new china for india in 2022? What Qatar has done to India isn’t very different from what China did to India in 2020. There will be retaliation, I am pretty...
Uncategorized Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait and the Nupur Sharma connection Qatar, Turkey, Kuwait…all 3 connected with Muslim Brotherhood. All 3 providing US bases. All 3 have now done as per US bidding. This should...
Policy How Modi is running circles around US and Europe? 1. India’s oil shipment from Russia increases, insulating it from the Oil price spike globally of Middle east Oil. 2. Pressure keeps mounting on...
uncategorized uncategorized uncategorized IMRAN’S PAKISTAN AND A WEAPON CALLED ‘REVOCATION OF ARTICLE 370’ How the revocation of Article 370 has undone Pakistan economically.
USA Local RIGHT vs Global LEFT Who wins? What the Right hasn't realised is that the Left is a Global ecosystem acting globally.
Politics ARHTIYAS & THE ANATOMY OF A “FARMERS PROTEST” Is it 'Farmers' at all who are protesting? Who are the Arhtiyas? What is their role in this and how has the whole protest shaped up?
History HOW SHAH BANO LED TO RAM MANDIR – A SORDID TALE OF OPPORTUNISM It all started with Shah Bano and her alimony. In April 1978, a 62-year-old Muslim woman filed a petition in court demanding alimony or...
Security DEBUNKING INC’S FALSE CLAIMS ABOUT RAFALE Rafale is possibly the most potent Euro-Canards up in the sky, which very few systems can actually bring down. However, a focussed and concentrated...
Essays Essays How the Shiva Linga became The Cross and its connection to the Swastika The Cross isn’t exactly a Christian sign, even though it might now be readily recognised as a Christian symbol. The Cross has existed as...
Uncategorized Hagia Sophia and the Swastika: How Hitler found his symbol and Turkey lost its Paganism The Hagia Sophia is much in the news these days. Ever since Erdogan has reverted it from being a Museum back to a Mosque....