When Krishna Raya was ruling, the Chola country was ruled by Virashekhara Chola and Pandya country was ruled by Chandrashekhara Pandya. But, Virashekhara invaded...
Samudragupta needs no introduction. Easily one of the greatest conquerors India produced, with Chandragupta Maurya the only king before him who can match his...
Shankarji Narayan Gandekar is a classic example of Bad Times Create Good Men. His grandfather Mukundpant, the Deshmukh of Gandapur left the village in...
A famous couplet by Muhammad Iqbal goes thus. Jaffar az Bengal, o Sadiq az Deccan Nang–e–Adam, Nang–e–Deen, Nange–Watan Mir Jaffar of Bengal and Mir...