The Origins of Kuki Problems in India

The 1760s saw a new entrant in the Chittagong Theatre – the British. The British, after placing Mir Jafar on the throne slowly started...

A Game of Thrones Made Gandhi Mahatma

It is said that Gandhi was given the epithet Mahatma by Rabindranath Tagore. The first time he was officially called as Mahatma was in 1938 and the story which made him officially Mahatma doesn't seem to be straightforward enough. It came at a time of intense politicking in CP-Berar and one may want to question if this title is the route of ascendancy of one group over the other.

Battle of Jhara, The Kurukshetra of Kutch

"We have to live up to the expectation of these great souls who sacrificed their lives for the motherland" Battle of Jhara was a sanguinary battle in which, though the Jadejas of Kutch lost, they stood out even better than their enemies for their outstanding valour and commitment to the country to the extent that the memory cherished even today. No wonder the bards called it Haldhigathi of the Kutch and Kurukshetra of the Kutch.

Distorted History and Biased Agendas – the Saga of Indian Historiography

Richard Eaton has come up with some unrealistic claims that while Muhammad bin Tughluq flattened the main Syayambhu Devalayam of Warangal Fort, he took extra care in protecting the Thousand Pillar Temple of Warangal - a claim as absurd as it can get. All one needs to do and go and check the current images of the temple - especially it's super structure and the Nandi.

Old Persian – An Indian Language?

The ease with which one can reconstruct Old Persian literature into Sanskrit makes one wonder if the language is really a different language and not a Prakritic dialect of Sanskrit but an older one - or is it that Gathas were written in Sanskrit and a Western evolution of Sanskrit led to formation of Old Persian?