Mass molestation, even rape of women in public places is a tradition originating from historic times when during wars and battles, women were identified...
“Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” Shree Krishna Janmashtami is a joyful celebration to commemorate the appearance of Lord Krishna, “The Creator of all Universe”. Shree...
This universe, permeated by Isvara, emanated from Pradhāna Purusha who is the unmanifest cause, eternal and identical with the existent and nonexistent. Know him,...
Why Bollywood lacks innovation? The answer in 1 sentence: Bollywood is owned and operated by criminal, underworld, terrorist mafia who use Bollywood a parking...
Dharma is all-inclusive and the Indian subcontinent before the advent of Abrahamic religious imposition has been known for values such as pluralism, democracy, and...
The 5th Annual Toronto Diversity Festival is scheduled from August 25, 26, to 27, 2022, as we celebrate Canada’s cultural kaleidoscope through an array...