Uncategorized Mahabharat – The Immortal Source of Eternal Truth It is said that Mahabharat and Ramayana have encapsulated the essence of Upanishads, and narrated them in such a way that the commoners can... by Debjeet Banerjee November 4, 2021February 3, 2022
Uncategorized Deepawali-The light, The Cracker and the cause of the Becoz Diwali is celebrated in Kartik Chaturdashi and on a Amavasya. In the past, during this time, in our golden days, the summer crop has already been cut and sale has already happened. by Baishakkhi November 2, 2021November 2, 2021
Uncategorized Diwali – “The Festival of Lights” India is a land of festivals, where people from all religions live in harmony with each other. India is a true manifestation of its... by Ankush Bhandari November 2, 2021November 2, 2021
Uncategorized Kashmir; its all about Islam ! Kashmir, the ancient land of Rishi Kashyapa, abode of Jalodbhava in lake Sati-Sara which was drained by Anant plough of Bhagwan Vishnu... by OliveGreens09 October 29, 2021February 3, 2022
Uncategorized “Maa Ahoi Ashtami “: Mother of Boys work from Son Up ’til Son Down नास्ति मातृसमा छाया नास्ति मातृसमा गतिः।नास्ति मातृसमं त्राणं नास्ति मातृसमा प्रपा ।। nāsti mātṛsamā chāyā nāsti mātṛsamā gatiḥ।nāsti mātṛsamaṃ trāṇaṃ nāsti mātṛsamā prapā ।।... by Ankush Bhandari October 27, 2021March 29, 2022
Uncategorized The Magnitude Of Identity Author : Samidha It is said that the hunter gets to write the story of the hunt and not the one being hunted.... by GNARUS October 26, 2021February 3, 2022
Uncategorized Right Interpretation of Karma Yog by Lord Krishna Every person on the planet wishes to learn life management to prosper in life, be happy, with peaceful mind, and get the clarity on... by Pankaj Jayswal October 24, 2021February 3, 2022
Uncategorized From the woke Gutter that is Academia: University of California Berkeley Students Happily Pledge Money to Help the Taliban Kill Americans Inside the U.S. American students pledge $5, $10, $50 for Taliban to destroy America. by FirangiAffairs October 23, 2021October 23, 2021
Uncategorized France: Mughal migrant ra¶es his ‘too Westernized’ daughter & her brother attempts Honor Killing murder The rape was punitive, designed to render the woman unmarriageable and bring her everlasting shame, since the fault for such crimes lies with the... by FirangiAffairs October 22, 2021October 22, 2021
Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Culture Śrī Dāmodarāṣṭakaṁ This song is sung during the Month of Kartik, also known as the month of Damodara. As quoted in the Sri Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa, “In the... by IskconInc October 21, 2021October 21, 2021