Sankhya: The True Experience of Purusha and Prakriti

Sankhya is not a mental activity. It is existential. What is the Sankhya experience that our sages talk about and use as the foundation of various darshanas? It is the moment when there is total awareness of things as they are, of oneself as part of the manifest world, without a point where the awareness is centered, when the subject too becomes the object, or as Krishnamurti said, the observer becomes the observed.

Brahmins deserve praise not vilification

Why is nobody upset that the policy of the British starved some 25 MILLION Indians to death, in a country which was one of the wealthiest before their arrival in spite of having been looted already by Muslim invaders? There are terrible pictures on the net of Indians being skin and bones, barely alive. Each one dying a slow death.

The meaning of guru

The Guru is one who leads the student from darkness to light. Such is the literal meaning of the world. But what kind of light? It is not a physical or mental or emotional or pranic learning that the Teacher imparts but a spiritual transformation that yet encompasses all these in one sweep and curve.