Shankar Narayan Gandekar, Pant Sachiv

Shankarji Narayan Gandekar is a classic example of Bad Times Create Good Men. His grandfather Mukundpant, the Deshmukh of Gandapur left the village in...

Partition Horrors Remembrance Day

Hypothetically speaking, if I were the Supreme Court judge today, I would have, Suo moto, tried the British Government for crime against humanity, for...

Sufism: Why was Sufi Mansoor Halaj killed?

Mansour Al-Hallaj was a Persian poet and Sufi in 9th century AD. Mansour was executed by the Abbasids for proclaiming: “I am the Truth(Ana’l-Ḥaqq)”...

What was Komagata Maru incident?

  In March 1914, the dreadful voyage of the Komagata Maru to Canada began. Long ago, Canada passed legislation restricting admittance to only those...