Uncategorized Will Ajeet Bharti’s factual exposé about numerous biases serve as a tipping point in ushering much needed changes in the Indian Judicial System? Judiciary compromised; favors for criminals, free speech only for chrislamic-commie cabal? by FirangiAffairs September 16, 2021January 13, 2022
Uncategorized DIY Mantapams or Pooja Mandirs An amateur’s guide to building your own Pooja Mantapam. Years ago we built our own Mantapam [above] after looking at a picture on web.... by khatvaanga September 15, 2021February 11, 2022
Uncategorized Who are Hindus? All Hindu friends and readers & lovers of history and language, first time I am presenting my research on the Hindu word. Your research-based... by Hitesh Modha September 14, 2021January 26, 2022
Uncategorized COMBATING DIVISIVE FORCES THROUGH EDUCATION India is a land of many religions, many cultures, many traditions and diverse people. In spite of having our share of differences we have... by UditMukherjee September 14, 2021January 26, 2022
Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions Opinions How dare they glorify Aurangzeb Watching Aurangzeb being glorified reminds me of two great souls. Two real sons of the Indian soil. Guru Tegh Bahadur Singh Ji and Chhatrapati... by Suryaji Mayurgirikar September 13, 2021February 8, 2022
Uncategorized Congress Blue Print Explained- Hindutva Vs Trads Hindutva Vs Trad In recent years, we have witnessed the rise of Anonymous Social Media Trad accounts abusing Dalits and Hindu Women. Everything we... by balajidbv September 13, 2021January 26, 2022
Uncategorized Aurangzeb’s blunder in Rajputana Any empire wanting control of Northern India has to face Rajputs. So did the Mughals in the reign of Akbar and Jahangir. The Mughals... by Suryaji Mayurgirikar September 13, 2021February 8, 2022
Uncategorized Never trust anyone who switches sides https://www.newslaundry.com/2016/02/19/attention-we-have-an-announcement-to-make by BihariBhagwati September 10, 2021January 26, 2022
Uncategorized Step-by-step guide for achieving uniform civil code in India India has long aspired for the below items: Grand temple for Lord Ram at Ajodhya Abrogation of article 370 Uniform Civil Code Getting back... by rajendrachola September 9, 2021January 26, 2022
Uncategorized It’s brazen: A Conference on Dismantling Global Hindutva It shocked Hindus: a conference on ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’, supported by 40 US universities. Speakers are the usual leftists mainly with Hindu names. And... by Maria Wirth September 9, 2021September 9, 2021