Who is Hindu? (Are You Hindu?)

She is wearing  a Cross. Must be Christian. He is wearing a skull cap, Must be Muslim. He is having beard but no moustache....

RSS: The Flag Bearer of Hinduism

The Hindu culture is the life-breath of Hindusthan. It is therefore clear that if Hindusthan is to be protected, we should first nourish the...

Image Courtesy: The Print

The burden Of Brotherhood

While I continued to hold on to my values of assimilation, accommodation and respect for all faiths, I was given 3 choices in 1990 – Convert, Flee or Die! I fled but I still held on to the values that were so deeply ingrained in me. And then in 1992, everything went up in smoke. The orchard was vandalized, trees were cut down and the house was set on fire by the same neighbors I had so much faith in.