Why the Congress Party is lost?

Shashi Tharoor has been throwing down some testy short stuff aimed at the rib cage of Congressis for a while now but it was...

Education and Liberalism

“The more educated an individual is, the more liberal he will be.”, is what I have grown up hearing. “Only education can remove your superstitious views and make you moderate...

What’s Genetic Editing?

What is Genetic Editing?: Genetic editing is similar to the function of scissors in terms of what it does. Through genetic editing, scientists can...

From Mortality to Immortality – Excellence in Pre-Islamic India

Societies become civilizations or fall into ruins based on their ability to institutionalize. Societies that institutionalize events and processes are better able to leap forward, than those don't learn from successes and failures. A look at Institutions of Excellence in Pre-Islamic India - part III

Pillars at Aavudaiyar Kovil