Depression : a curse for Society

Depression and anxiety are common illnesses worldwide. More than 264 million people are suffering from depression across the globe, as reported by WHO in...

Nature, Food and Adverse Effects (Corona)

Entire world is witnessing the various forms of disasters/catastrophes owing to nature’s hostility. Latest is Corona, storms, cyclones…Why are we witnessing nature’s conduct this...


Lets look at Suffering. When we say Worry / Overthinking / Unnecessary Pain, someone is either “Suffering the FUTURE” or “Suffering the PAST” –...

Save Water By Eating Healthy – Really?

We can save humongous amounts of water by making a few healthy changes to your eating habits – replace rice and wheat with millets and move from cane sugar to its natural alternatives.

Mother Tongue As Medium of Education

Mother Tongue as medium of education results in best overall development of a child. English is an important global language... Let us learn it as a language and not make it our life!