51 Days Yoga Consciousness Series 2nd May-21st June 2021

Knowledge of Yoga is infinite, boundless and timeless. “Learning Yoga is an everlasting journey that leads you within and Within is where you find the world of immortal bliss”. –Mitraasha

Namaste All My Yoga Yaatris! May Yog Bless You!

The idea behind running this 51 Days Yoga Consciousness series is to proffer my modest learnings and share the divine pearls of Yoga science with people at large. Let’s have a conjoint intent to learn, implement and extend the wisdom of Yoga with a positive co-action and harmonious reverberation amongst each other.

Asanas For relaxation: makarasana & dhradasana

1. makarasana-the crocodile posture

Name of this asana is in Sanskrit, where Makar means çrocodile and asana means a posture. One of the distinct characteristics of a crocodile is that it occurs to be continuously at rest unless and until it is instigated. The core essence of this asana practice is to experience calmness and subjugate any physical and/or mental exertion. It is a great technique that should be utilised intermittently between asanas that are intense and tiring to help rejuvenate and re energize.

Limitations / Contraindications

  • People suffering from any psychological disorder, depression, serious cardiac ailments and pregnant women should avoid this asana.

How to practice?

  • Lie down in a prone(on your stomach) position on a mat and rest either your forehead facing down/ or your right cheek on your hands by making a pillow of them by keeping the right palm over the left one. 
  • Similarly you can choose to rest your left cheek on the hands by making a pillow of them by keeping the left palm over the right palm.
  • Maintain your legs completely stretched out, with heels apart and the big toes loosely touching each other.
  • Let go of all the body weight on the ground and try to relax by staying as much quiescent and static as you can.
  • Gently close your eyes, keep breathing slowly and stay in this position for 3-5 minutes or for the time that makes you completely relaxed and rejuvenated. 
  • To release the posture slowly open your eyes, gently turn on your right side, stay for sometime and with the support of your hands sit up unhurriedly.


It gives an intense relaxation to the entire body, especially the shoulders and the spine.

It instills slow, efficient and deep breathing thereby relieving the muscular and nervous tension and rejuvenating the entire body and the mind. 

It gives relief in cases of headaches, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and restlessness.

The on purpose conscious relaxation stabilizes and regulates pulse rate, respiratory cycles and the abnormal blood pressure.

Turns the mind inwards, it instigates a meditative effect, reduces stress- anxiety and calms the mind.

It aids to revitalize the mind and enhance concentration power.

2. Dhradhasana-The Firm Posture

This is also one of the easiest and very effective relaxation asanas. It is also a wonderful technique that should be utilised intermittently between asanas that are intense and tiring to help rejuvenate and re energize. It can give the experience of the rest in a short time equivalent to one that of a prolonged deep sleep.

Limitations / Contraindications

  • People suffering from psychological disorders, depression and shoulder pain should avoid practicing this asana.

How to practice?

  • Lie down supine (on your back) with your legs completely stretched out full length, maintaining straight together but in a relaxed manner. 
  • Very slowly turn and lie on the right side of the body, legs maintained straight, the left leg over the right. 
  • To support and rest your head upon, fold your right hand at the elbow and keep your head on the right forearm. 
  • If you find it uncomfortable or difficult to keep legs in a straight position for long, you may bend them at the knees a little bit to maintain the balance.
  • Try to relax by staying as much quiescent and static as you can avoiding any movements.
  • Gently close your eyes, keep breathing slowly and stay in this position for 3-5 minutes or for the time that makes you completely relaxed and rejuvenated. 
  • Gently turn and lie on the left side for sometime in the same manner if you want to relax more. 
  • To release the posture slowly open your eyes, and with the support of your hands sit up unhurriedly.


This posture rejuvenates the entire body and mind by easing the breathing pace in a short time.

Conscious relaxation normalizes and regulates the blood pressure, pulse rate and respiratory cycles.

It gives relief from issues like headaches, indigestion, fatigue and insomnia. 

It aids in reducing nocturnal excretions and draining dreams.

It reduces anxiety, stress, tensions, induces a meditative state and thereby calms the mind.

Thought of the day: “Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax.”- Osho

Link to day 40: Halasana-The Plough Pose https://kreately.in/day-40-halasana-mitraasha/

Link to day 42: Shavasana-The Corpse Pose https://kreately.in/day-42-shavasana/

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