Demographic invasion of Europe: Is Europe capable to fight back?

The recent legislation aimed at preventing the Islamic separatism in France has reignited the debate about future of European Union in its present form in front of the looming danger of Islamization of European continent. The rapidly changing demographic profile of many European countries and the predictions regarding the demographic composition of Europe by 2050 are scary to say the least. There are early signs which indicate the simmering discontent and anger in the European society against the systematic demographic invasion of Europe. Malmo Riots in Sweden are the latest example of this discontent surfacing on the street. While all the facts are on the table and what unfolded is for everyone to see and judge, the larger question coming out of this rising tension is: are Europeans ready to resist this demographic invasion?
The answer to this question can be found in the kind of political system that has developed in Europe over past seven decades post the World War II. The horrors of Holocaust caused by Second World War led to a heightened sense of compassion towards Jews as community in Germany in particular and in Europe in general. This compassion was need of the hour indeed owing to the relentless persecution of Jewish community all around Europe since centuries. But the counterculture movement of 1960’s and the perceived persecution of Palestinians post the Arab-Israeli wars changed this perception quite very much and the new ‘victims’ for the Europeans were Muslims.
Orientalism, the famed book of Edward Said, was instrumental in bringing forward the centuries’ old discrimination suffered by the Oriental people in the hands of Western world. Colonisation, persecution of communities, loot of natural resources and many other atrocities committed by the West on the Asian and African nationalities were the realities which Edward Said exposed brilliantly. While the worst sufferers of all of these horrors were the Hindus largely, Muslims became the poster boys of the sufferings.
On the other hand the defeat of Hitler and Fascists forces in Europe led to an irrational hatred for the concept of Nation and Nationalism. Infiltration of European academic institution by the cultural Marxists led to the lofty ideals of Open Borders, Multiculturalism, Intersectionality and many others. The guilt complex of the Europeans post the Second World War has been exploited to the hilt by the Muslims coming as refugees over the decades and the worst exploitation happened post Syrian-Civil War.
The famous case of Aylan Kurdi and the consequent outpour of emotions all around the world is a very good example of Media management in order to claim the victimhood and consequent benefits that accrue from it. But the moot question is; will Europeans be able to see through this deception and wake up to fight the menace of this demographic invasion? The answer seems to be in negative at present despite the rise of nationalist forces and their electoral successes in countries like Austria.
The reason being the systematic acculturation of the European youth over the years where they have internalised the concept of compassion, generosity, humanity etc in a comparatively safe and secure environment free from any kind of war, especially in the Western Europe, in the European continent. The various liberal ideas, as already mentioned, have conditioned them to look at every situation threatening their identity and existence either from the lens of conspiracy theories or post modernism. The European youth is leaving Christianity in large numbers and most of them identify themselves either as Atheists or Agnostics.
While there may be various reasons behind such a trend it has resulted in an acute rootlessness prevailing in the young generation. They idealise the human excellence and compassion and deride and hate anything and everything related to religion and cultural pride in the eco-chambers of the universities which are occupied by Cultural Marxists and Critical Theory proponents. There is no denial that a certain distance would be deemed necessary from the religious and cultural structure in order to better analyse and contextualise it; the blind hate against it has given rise to a generation which is much religious than any prior one in detesting and lampooning the conservative thinking. The ecosystem which kept the European continent safe from the blood-thirsty invasion of Islam for centuries has become really weak and defenceless during the last few decades and it does not augur well for the Europeans.
To put it in other words the European youth is intolerably tolerant of the most intolerant creed on the planet Earth. Any criticism of Islam, fair or foul, attracts the most extreme reactions from them in the form of protests, marches and even street violence. The one who would dare to criticise Islam will be immediately branded as fascist, islamophobe, bigot and what not. The cultural memory of Christianity, which remembered the worst phase of invasion and saved the European culture from the danger of Islam for centuries, is being lost. The post World War II generation takes pride in proclaiming themselves as Liberal and Woke but forget the most important lesson of history; the history repeats itself for those who forget it.
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