Gaumutra Ark
Not just Indian but ancient Chinese, Egyptian and Aztec civilisations were also using urine therapy.

Not just Indian but ancient Chinese, Egyptian and Aztec civilisations were also using urine therapy.
People are seen making fun of Hindus with jibes of Gaumutra, Gobar.
These Highly Insecure sepoys of McCauley always need a validation from the west. That’s why even turneric and its cancer curing properties was patented by USA.
I agree they may be physically cleanest persons, but they have mediocre unscientific ignorant mindset…..and yes, they aren’t useful like COW URINE.
You are neither Ayurvedic scientists nor western scientists who have proven high uses of Cow Urine (Gaumutra Ark). So, sit down & educate yourself.
?️Not just Indian but ancient Chinese, Egyptian and Aztec civilisations were also using urine therapy.
As Ayurveda talks about not just gross (स्थूल) body but also subtle (सूक्ष्म) body, its layers, the influence of subtle forces like vibrations, energy and aura on ones well being. It becomes nearly impossible for modern science to study it and validate it accurately.
As Ayurveda talks about not just gross (स्थूल) body but also subtle (सूक्ष्म) body, its layers, the influence of subtle forces like vibrations, energy and aura on ones well being. It becomes nearly impossible for modern science to study it and validate it accurately.
?️Ayurvedic texts (Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Sangrah and Bhav Prakash Nighantu) describe gaumutra as an effective medicinal substance of animal origin with innumerable therapeutic uses.
?️Deficiency or excess of any of the micronutrients, enzymes and hormones inside the body causes various kinds of disorders.
?️Early morning first voided Gaumutra is more sterile and have more macro and micronutrients along with other enzyme/urea content could be more effective.
?️Cow urine’s biochemical studies have shown it contains sodium, silicon, chlorine, Calcium, Potash, calcium, phosphorus, carbonic acid, potash, nitrogen, ammonia, manganese, iron, Amino Acids, Cytokinemagnesium, citric, succinic, sulphur, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, manganese,phosphate, lactose, carbolic acid, iron, different types of enzymes, creatinine, 24 types of salt and various hormones.
▪️Urea is a strong antimicrobial agent which ends protein metabolism.
▪️Uric acid has also been found to provide antimicrobial activity and fight infections.
▪️Iron produces red blood cells, whereas
▪️Copper controls fat deposition.
▪️Sodium and potassium act as key body electrolyte.
?️PATENTS : Cow urine has been granted US Patents (No. 6,896,907 and 6,410,059) for its medicinal properties, particularly as a bioenhancer and as an antibiotic, antifungal and anticancer agent.
▪️US Patent #6410059 : Proven to enhance the anti-microbial effects of antibiotic and antifungal agents.
▪️It drastically reduces the dosage of antibiotics while increasing the efficiency of absorption of bio-active molecules, thereby reducing the cost of treatment and also the side-effects due to toxicity.
▪️US Patents #6896907, #7235262 : It is a bio-enhancer of anti-infective, anti-cancer agents and nutrient.
▪️A composition useful for protecting and/or repairing DNA from oxidative damages.
?️Consumption of urine from a healthy cow in regular doses has been reported to restore the balance of all these critical substances in the body.
?️It has been mentioned that it can cure diseases like Kushtha (leprosy), Kandu, Udarrog, Colic, Abdominal tumour, Enlargement of the abdomen and Flatulence.
?️In Charak (sloka-100) several medicinal properties of Gomutra have been mentioned such as :
▪️Weight loss
▪️Reversal of certain cardiac & renal diseases
▪️Stomach ache
▪️Hemorrhoids and
▪️Skin diseases including vitiligo.
?️Traditional uses of Gaumutra are in
▪️Fever : Gaumutra + pepper + curd + ghee.
▪️Leprosy : Gaumutra + dhruhardi
▪️Leprosy Deformities : Gaumutra + Nimbuchal
▪️Chronic leprosy : Gaumutra + leaves of Vasaka & kanar + bark of kuraila & neem.
▪️Worm infestations
▪️Develop immunity
▪️To avoid aging : They suggest 10-25 ml of Gaumutra to be taken on an empty stomach for the same.
?️Antiseptic : Applying gaumutra externally on the wound has shown significant healing. Healing time has observed to be lesser compared to antiseptic creams.
?️Preventing Antibiotic Resistance : Uncontrolled use of antibiotics has made bacteria/virus become resistant to them. They aren’t as effective as they used to be. Gaumutra post purification is capable of countering antibiotic resistance.
?️Anthelmintic Properties : Different parasites in different parts of the body can cause various health-related problems .
Example : Parasites in intestine causes dysentery, abdominal pain and loss of nutrients in the body. Cow urine helps in fighting such diseases by fighting the parasites that cause them. In fact different compsitions of panchgavya have found to be effective as anthelmintic agent.
?️Antimicrobial Agent : Gaumutra is comparable with ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, nalidixic acid, rifampicin, tetracycline, streptomycin, cefpodoxime and gentamycin in terms of its antimicrobial activity.
?️Yogavahi / Bio Enhancers : These are Substances that have the property of improving the absorption of another medicine by the body. Gomutra enters circulation, increases absorption of medicines there by reducing dosage of medicine as well as their side effects.
?️Daily consumption of Gaumutra improves Immunity due to the presence of swarn kshar and fastens the wound healing process, which is due to allantoin.
?️Gaumutra enhances the immunocompetence by facilitating the synthesis of interleukin-1 and -2 , augments B – and T- lymphocyte blastogenesis, and IgA, IgM and IgG antibody titers.
?️Fungicide Agent : Gaumutra has been found to be very effective in stopping the growth of Malassezia fungi that cause dandruff in plants.
?️Panchgavya : Different compositions of Panchgavya (five products of cow namely milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung) alone and combination of Panchgavya and ethanolic extract of Bauhinia variegata Linn were found to have excellent anthelmintic activity against adult Indian earthworm.
?️Various studies have found good antimicrobial activity of Gaumutra comparable with standard drugs such as ofloxacin, cefpodoxime, and gentamycin, against a vast number of pathogenic bacteria, more so against Gram-positive than negative bacteria.
▪️Gaumutra has antioxidant properties and is a free radical scavenger, and thus it neutralizes the oxidative stress.
▪️Scientists proved that the pesticides even at very low doses cause apoptosis of lymphocytes and tissues through damage of DNA. Gaumutra helps the lymphocytes to survive by inhibiting their apoptosis and by repairing the damaged DNA and is, therefore, effective as anti-cancer therapy.
▪️Cow urine enhances the efficacy and potency of anti-cancer drugs. Many examples available where terminally ill patients were cured using cow urine based therapy.
?️Why demand for Gaumutra increased during Covid-19 Pandemic?
Gaumutra is best Immunostimulant. Ancient books on Ayurveda state that consuming Gaumutra daily increases the resistance to diseases by up to 104%.
1000s of liters of Gomutra Ark (concentrated) is sold everyday.
Gomutra is capable of removing all the imbalances in the body, thus maintaining the general health.
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