In Assam and other Northeastern regions, large-scale Christian missionary conversions have occurred in tribal and tea garden areas. Recent evidence suggests that churches in Germany and other European nations are heavily funding conversions in Assam.

A letter of appreciation from the Assamese Diocese of Tezpur to the Rev. Pfarrer, or Pastor of the Church in Germany, demonstrates how the funds received from other countries are used to promote religious conversion in Assam. The Diocese of Tezpur commended the Rev. Pfarrer in a letter obtained by Legal Rights Observatory (LRO) for donating and transferring 7500 Euros, or 6 lakh 55 thousand Indian rupees. Despite the epidemic restrictions in India, the money was moved on January 18, 2018.

In his letter of appreciation to the pastor in Garmany for the gift, the Diocese of Tezpur made it clear that the funds will be used for evangelization (religious conversion to Christianity) and faith-based education. The Diocese of Tezpur also indicated in the letter to the pastor headquartered in Garmany that they were active in different apostolates throughout the pandemic limitations, including religious conversions through education, health treatment, and other social initiatives.

Balen Baishy, state general secretary of the World Hindu Federation, described it as religious violence on the part of the missionaries. In Assam and the North East, he claimed, Catholics and Baptists both practise religious conversion. He encouraged the state government to enact severe legislation prohibiting discussion of religion. According to Baishya, the federal government should thoroughly investigate how these institutions are doing.

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