Indian Influence on German Scientists

Writer: Maria Wirth
They include notable figures like Wernher von Braun, Max Born, Max Planck, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, and Max Born. These early 20th-century scientists were familiar with Indian philosophy and openly acknowledged their familiarity with Vedanta. Schroedinger frequently concluded his lectures with the Upanishad “Atma is Brahma” proverb.
However, these scientists did not say whether or not old writings assisted them in making “their discoveries.” Einstein credited India with creating Zero. But was this the only thing he received from India? He most likely wasn’t being entirely truthful.
I didn’t realise how advanced German scientists suddenly were or why the Americans were so eager to capture them towards the conclusion of the war, including hard-core Nazis until I started doing a study on this subject. In an effort to acquire such scientists in 1945, the Americans and the British even attempted to outsmart their French and Russian allies. Despite the fact that Heisenberg lived in an area where the Russians were moving in, they were successful in capturing him first.
But documents were also taken by Russians. Professor Dr. K. S. Balasubramanian of the Chennai-based Kuppuswami Sastry Research Institute stated this in an almost casual manner. In an interview with Ashish Dhar (available online at minute 47 and afterward under “Knowledge makes India amazing”).
Dr. Padma Subramanian, a well-known dancer, gave Prof. Balasubramanian the following story about an incident:
Dr. Padma Subramanian once gave a concert in the Russian city of Leningrad. She went to the museum as well. The director showed her a thousand scrolls from ancient India. At the end of World War II, he informed her, the Russians took them, prisoner, in Germany. One of these was a manuscript on missiles, and it was based on this manuscript that Russia was able to create its first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). He added that information on cloud-piercing, which the Russians successfully employed before Dr. Padma Subramaniam’s outdoor performance, was also contained in those documents.
Influence of Indian Manuscripts
This is BIG news, yet not many people are aware of it. When Wernher von Braun worked on missiles for Nazi Germany in the 1930s and Heisenberg and Weizaecker developed nuclear weapons, the Indian manuscripts were still in Germany. They all, incidentally, went to India. Till 1933, Einstein also resided in Germany. He would have been aware that the Germans would soon possess the atomic weapon and would have informed President Roosevelt.
Keep in mind that the Wright brothers were only able to fly for 12 seconds in 1903 and barely 38 metres above the ground. Why did the German air force have fighter jets in the 1930s, and some of its ballistic missiles not only blasted London but also launched themselves into space at an altitude of more than 80 kilometers?
Additionally, they constructed an atomic reactor and worked on the renowned Nazi Bell, an anti-gravity spacecraft. This Nazi Bell bears a startling resemblance to the Rukma Vimana that Shvikar Bapu Talpade had constructed. Rumor has it that it was transported covertly from Bombay to Germany.
Rukma Vimana and Nazi Bell
Unfortunately, a lot of Indians mock the idea that ancient Indians had vimanas, but the Germans believed it. Eight years before the Wright brothers, in 1895, Shivkar Bapu Talpade, a Sanskrit scholar, piloted a remote-controlled aircraft for 37 seconds and 457 metres in the air. This feat is not recorded in history books, like so many other Indian accomplishments.
Life was miserable for Shivkar Bapu Talpade. According to ancient texts, he attempted to create a mercury ion engine but was denied funding and sentenced to prison. He continued to work on the anti-gravity Rukma Vimana after being freed. He passed away disillusioned at age 57.
Wernher von Braun was one of the 1000 German scientists who, along with their families and documents, were transported to the United States as part of the “paperclip” operation. In addition to using mercury ion engines, he founded NASA’s space program in the 1950s, which places a high priority on Sanskrit. But the British mocked Talpade and locked him up. NASA either discovered mercury’s suitability on its own or both organizations consulted ancient Indian texts for guidance. Would NASA be honest?
Space flight
It’s unfathomable that “Western science” became suddenly so sophisticated as to travel to space. The Indian Puranas, incidentally, are rife with references to space flight, but vested interests persuaded the Indians that these were merely stories.
Rishi Kardama showed his wife Devahuti the entire globe from an aerial palace that could fly at will and had all the amenities imaginable in the Srimad Bhagavatam (book 3, discourse 23). Naturally, a regular person would write this off as a fairy tale. We neglect the fact that the average individual has been misled into thinking that modern humans are the most sophisticated creatures on Earth and that even 10,000 years ago, the man was a primitive species.
This story is most likely false, and there’s a good chance that some influential people are aware of this and are working to stop any research that would demonstrate it, like in archaeology. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why some discoveries are kept secret and archaeologists exposed.
Incidentally, in the late 1800s, enormous, comfortable “airships” were developed and they were actually able to fly from London to New York in about 55 hours. After its German “creator,” Count Zeppelin, they were known as Zeppelins. Did he actually develop the technology, or did the Germans already have written documents including specific information like which gases are lighter than air Researching this topic would be intriguing?
By the West, great Indian scientists are ignored.
As Talpade’s case demonstrates, the British did not assist Indian scientists during the Colonial Era. Furthermore, credit would be handed to Westerners even when Indian scientists made groundbreaking discoveries, such as wireless communication pioneer Jagdish Chandra Bose. If you Google “who invented the radio,” you will get names from the West, including Macroni. Bose is still not listed on Wikipedia.
Did Bose benefit from the existence of old manuscripts? In addition, Bose is renowned for his ability to identify plant awareness. An old Dharmic literature called Manusmriti mentions the existence of primitive consciousness in plants.
As a great German researcher in the field of theory of physics, Heinrich Hertz’s statements caught my attention.
He wrote: It is impossible to study this wonderful theory without feeling as if the mathematical equations had an independent life and intelligence of their own, as if they were wiser than ourselves, indeed wiser than their discoverer, as if they gave forth more than he put into them.
He added, “We perceive electricity in a thousand places where we had no proof of its existence before. In every flame, in every luminous particle, we see an electric process. Even if a body is not luminous, provided it radiates heat, it is a center of electric disturbances. Thus, the domain of electricity extends over the whole of nature.”
This concept has an Indian feel to it. And his comments on mathematics made me think of Srinivasan Ramanujan. He received his dream interpretations from his family’s deity Namagiri, who was in fact “wiser than ourselves.”
Interestingly, Hertz made this statement in 1889 during a lecture titled “On the Relations Between Light and Electricity” that he gave in Heidelberg, the center of Sanskrit education in Germany.
Only 5% of India’s 40 million manuscripts have been studied or translated, according to Bibek Debroy, even after all the damage and looting.
Indians have a lot better time understanding Sanskrit and ideas like “pure consciousness” than Westerners. Is this one of the reasons why Indian tradition is so harshly denigrated? to prevent Indians from learning about and respecting their culture? Are those in positions of power concerned that Indians may advance both in philosophy and science and technology? Why did several Indian scientists, beginning with nuclear physicist Homi Bhabha, pass away unexpectedly or suffer severe libel, like Nambi Narayanan, in recent decades?
In India, there are a lot of unsolved mysteries and a lot of old texts that still need to be studied.
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