Legal Rights Observatory wrote to National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) seeking immediate action against Robins Nest Children Homes Charitable Organisation for violating Juvenile Justice Act & fraudulently admitting poor tribal children into orphanages to mint FCRA funding. Poor Hindu children were forced to convert their religion for food & essentials. LRO wrote for violating multiple sections of FCRA & fraudulently converting poor tribal children using these foreign funds.

Repeated Hate against hindus and conversion of Hindus from Sanatan Dharma is is now getting institutionalised through minority run schools of Christians and tribals are the centre of attraction for these school missionaries.The institutions run by minorities especially Christians and Muslims think that they can easily get away by mocking Sanatan Dharma which is true because of the extra preferential treatment given to them by our law and order.

NCPCR under Chairman Priyank Kanoongo is doing a brilliant work in protecting the rights of Hindus from these proselytising institutions. Because of the efforts taken by NCPCR led by Priyank Kanoongo, NCERT has dropped its teachers training manual where it recommended the provision of same toilets for both girls and boys and same uniform.

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